Ph.D. Students and Research Fellows

Alessandro Coatti

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Daniel Colombo

PhD Student

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Luca Cotignoli

PhD Student

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Letizia Crociati

PhD Student

keywords: Environmental sustainability, Particleboards, Honeycomb panels, Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, Sustainable and innovative

Lorenzo Crosetta

PhD Student

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Elisa Dallavalle

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Wave Energy Converters (WECs), Mooring systems, Multi-use off-shore platforms, Renewable energies

Rachele De Cata

PhD Student

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Ilaria Delfini

PhD Student

Benedetta Anna De Liso

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Beatrice De Pascale

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Antoine Dib

Research fellow

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Roberta Di Carlo

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Paola Di Fluri

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Valentina Di Talia

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

foto della persona

Elena Dodaro

Research fellow

Teaching tutor