I. Daprà; G. Scarpi, Fenomeni transitori a pelo libero: un esame qualitativo, in: XXX Convegno di Idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, ROMA, Casa editrice Università La Sapienza, 2006(atti di: XXX Convegno di Idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, Roma, 10-15 settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Tugnoli; C. Stramigioli; F. Santarelli; V. Cozzani, Sustainability assessment of alternative waste disposal processes, in: Proc. 5th European Meeting on Chemical Ind. & Environment, HORN, Berger & Sohne, 2006, pp. 768 - 776 (atti di: 5th European Meeting on Chemical Ind. & Environment, Vienna, 3-5 Maggio 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Cozzani; A. Tugnoli; E. Salzano, The development of an inherent safety approach to the prevention of domino accidents, in: Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 1957 - 1964 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL '06), Estoril, Portugal, 18-22 Settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Landucci; G. Gubinelli; Antonioni G.; V. Cozzani, A simplified approach to the assessment of the damage probability of storage tanks in domino events, in: Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 2001 - 2008 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL '06), Estoril (Portugal), 18-22 Settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Carbonell; V. Carlà; Y. Hussain; F. Doghieri, The Role of Gibbs Excess Adsorption on Submerged Surfaces in Explaining the Complex Swelling Behavior of Supported Polymeric Thin Films in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, in: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, FISCIANO (SA), Centro Stampa Ateneo di Salerno, 2006, 2, pp. 727 - 730 (atti di: 8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Ischia (NA), 28-31 Maggio 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Minelli; M. Rocchetti; M. G. De Angelis; A. Montenero; F. Doghieri, Gas Barrier Properties of Polymeric films with Hibrid Organic/Inorganic Coatings for Food Packaging Applications, in: Shelf-life International Meeting - Book of Abstracts, CATANIA, GSICA & DOFATA, 2006, pp. 42 - 42 (atti di: Shelf-life International Meeting, Catania, 21-23 Giugno 2006) [Abstract]
C. Bragalli; C. D’Ambrosio; J. Lee; A. Lodi; P. Toth, An MINLP Solution Method for a Water Network Problem, in: ., BERLIN, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN,, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2006, 4168, pp. 696 - 707 (atti di: Algorithms – ESA 2006, Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Bertin; D. Di Gioia; C. Barberio; L. Salvadori; F. Fava, Packed-bed biofilm reactors employed in the bioremediation of aqueous wastes contaminated by ethoxylate nonylphenols, in: FRANCO CECCHI, Proceedings of First Mediterranean Congress Chemical Engineering for Environment, s.l, Franco Cecchi, 2006, pp. 345 - 353 (atti di: First Mediterranean Congress Chemical Engineering for Environment (1stMCCEE), San Servolo (Venice), Italy., October 4-6, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Bertin; M. C. Colao; M. Ruzzi; L. Marchetti; F. Fava, PERFORMANCES AND MICROBIAL FEATURES OF AN INTEGRATED ANAEROBIC-AEROBIC BIOFILM PROCESS FOR THE BIOGASIFICATION AND DECONTAMINATION OF OLIVE MILL WASTEWATERS, in: E-Proceedings of the The Second International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering, s.l, s.n, 2006, pp. 95/1 - 95/7 (atti di: Second International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering (2IMEBE), Mexico City (Mexico), September 26-29, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Bertin; S. Capodicasa; F. Occulti; F. Fava, ANAEROBIC DIGESTION AS A PROCESS FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND VALORIZATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGES RESULTING FROM PLANTS TREATING WASTEWATERS CONTAMINATED BY XENOBIOTIC COMPOUNDS, in: E-Proceedings of the The Second International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering, s.l, s.n, 2006, pp. 133/1 - 133/8 (atti di: Second International Meeting on Environmental Biotechnology and Engineering (2IMEBE), Mexico City (Mexico), September 26-29, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Antonioni; V.Cozzani; G.Spadoni, A methodology for the quantitative assessment of the risk increase in process plants due to seismic activity, in: Proc. 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, NEW YORK, ASME Press, 2006, pp. 133 - 142 (atti di: PSAM 8, New Orleans, 14-18 Maggio 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Antonioni; F. Bellezza; M. Binda; S. Contini; V. Cozzani; E. Giannotti; G. Spadoni, Quantified Area Risk Assessment: from the ARIPAR methodology to the related software tools, in: Prc. 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Management, NEW YORK, ASME Press, 2006, pp. 222 - 232 (atti di: PSAM 8, New Orleans, 14-18 Maggio 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Di Toro; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava; L. Brondello; M. Perosino, Enrichment and characterization of Diesel hydrocarbons degrading bacteria from the microbial source Enzyveba, in: FISV, Proceedings of the VIII Annual Meeting of the Italian Life Science Federation (FISV), s.l, FISV, 2006, pp. D09.03 - D09.03 (atti di: VIII Annual Meeting of the Italian Life Science Federation (FISV), Riva del Garda (TN), 28 settembre - 1 ottobre 2006) [Abstract]
L. Salvadori; L. Sciubba; F. Doni; L. Bertin; D. Di Gioia; F. Fava; E. Coppini; C. Barberio, Biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylated by a selected microbial community in fixed-bed bioreactors, in: SIMGBM, Atti del 25° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche (SIMGBM), s.l, SIMGBM, 2006, pp. P. E28, p.108 - P. E28, p.108 (atti di: 25° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche (SIMGBM), Orvieto (TR), 8-10 giugno 2006.) [Abstract]
L. Sciubba; F. Carloni; L. Setti; P. Barghini; F. Luziatelli; D. Di Gioia; M. Ruzzi; F. Fava, Biotechnological vanillin production from raw materials unergone to enzymatic treatments, in: SIMGBM, Atti del 25° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche (SIMGBM), Orvieto (TR) 8-10 giugno 2006. Presentazione E29, p. 108., s.l, SIMGBM, 2006, pp. P.E29, p. 108 - P.E29, p. 108 (atti di: 25° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche (SIMGBM),, Orvieto (TR), 8-10 giugno 2006) [Abstract]
Bartoli, Ivan; Marzani, Alessandro; Matt, Howard; Di Scalea, Francesco Lanza; Viola, Erasmo, Modeling wave propagation in damped waveguides of arbitrary cross-section, in: Health Monitoring and Smart Nondestructive Evaluation of Structural and Biological Systems V, THE UNIV. OF ARIZONA, 2006, 6177, pp. 92 - 103 (atti di: Smart Structures & Materials and NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, San Diego, California USA, 26 February - 2 March 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Marzani; I. Bartoli; F. Lanza di Scalea; E. Viola;, Finite element based technique for modeling propagative stress waves in axisymmetric viscoelastic waveguides, in: Atti del XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, BOLOGNA, F.UBERTINI, E.VIOLA, S.DE MIRANDA, G.CASTELLAZZI, 2006, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, Bologna - Facoltà di Ingegneria, 26-28 Giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Rizzo; H. Matt; S. Coccia; F. Lanza di Scalea; I. Bartoli; A. Marzani; E. Viola;, Guided ultrasonic waves for the inspection of structural components, in: Atti del XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, BOLOGNA, F.UBERTINI, E.VIOLA, S.DE MIRANDA, G.CASTELLAZZI, 2006, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, Bologna - Facoltà di Ingegneria, 26-28 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gualandi N.; Mantecchini L., AIRPLANE NOISE AS A LIMIT TO GROWTH OF EUROPEAN REGIONAL AIRPORTS, in: 10th Conference on Traffic Science ICTS 2006: Transportation and Globalization. Conference Proceedings, S.N., s.n, 2006(atti di: 10th Conference on Transportation Science: ICTS 2006 Transportation and Globalization, Portorose Slovenia, 6-7 dicembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Micucci A.; Mantecchini L., Alcune considerazioni sulle resistenze al moto per carri ferroviari merci, «INGEGNERIA FERROVIARIA», 2006, 7-8, pp. 599 - 609 [Scientific article]