M. Campedel; V. Cozzani; E. Krausmann; A.M. Cruz, Analysis of Natech accidents recorded in major accident databases, in: Proceedings PSAM9, HONG KONG, Edge Publication Group, 2008, 10, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: PSAM9, Hong Kong, China, May 18th-23rd, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Sabatini; S. Zanelli; V. Cozzani, Hazard assessment of major accidents triggered by intentional acts of interference, in: Proceedings PSAM9, HONG KONG, Edge Publication Group, 2008, 219, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: PSAM9, Hong Kong, China, May 18th-23rd, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Gubinelli; G. Antonioni; V. Cozzani, Probabilistic assessment of the consequences of vessel fragmentation, in: Proceedings PSAM9, HONG KONG, Edge Publication Group, 2008, 153, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: PSAM9, Hong-Kong, China, May 18th-23rd, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Cordella; A. Tugnoli; P. Morra; V. Cozzani; F. Barontini, Accidental scenarios in the loss of control of chemical processes: screening the impact profile of secondary substances, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 2345 - 2352 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Antonioni; G. Spadoni; V. Cozzani; C. Dondi; D. Egidi, Quantitative Assessment of Domino Effect in an Extended Industrial Area, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 2397 - 2404 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Campedel; G. Antonioni; V. Cozzani; G. Di Baldassarre, A framework for the assessment of the industrial risk caused by floods, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 2749 - 2755 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Sabatini; S.Ganapini; S. Bonvicini; V. Cozzani; S. Zanelli; G. Spadoni, Ranking the attractiveness of industrial plants to external acts of interference, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 1199 - 1205 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Tugnoli; V. Cozzani; F.I. Khan; P.R. Amyotte, Inherent safety indices for the design of layout plans, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 1147 - 1155 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Landucci; M. Molag ; J. Reinders; V. Cozzani, A modelling approach to assess the effectiveness of BLEVE prevention measures on LPG tanks, in: Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 3153 - 3161 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference 2008, Valencia, September 22nd-25th, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mognol A.; Bitelli G.; Ferrari C.; Gusella L.; Pezzi G., Individuazione del limite superiore del bosco mediante segmentazione ad oggetti e validazione tramite rilievi GPS, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI TELERILEVAMENTO», 2008, 40, pp. 47 - 57 [Scientific article]
Bitelli G.; Gusella L.; Adams B.J., Disaster mitigation by remote sensing technology: change detection and geo-database link, in: GeoInformation in Europe, ROTTERDAM, Millpress, 2008, 1, pp. 439 - 444 (atti di: XXVII EARSeL Symposium, Bozen, 4-7 June 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bitelli G.; Girelli V.A.; Neri S.; Vittuari L., Use of declassified panoramic satellite imagery for change detection in an area of archaeological interest, in: Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, ROME, Aracne, 2008, 1, pp. 313 - 316 (atti di: 1st Int. EARSeL Workshop: Advances on Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, Rome, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Pezzi G.; Bitelli G.; Ferrari C.; Gusella L.; Mognol A.; Pino I.; Salvini G., Analisi di immagini per la cartografia della vegetazione, «ESTIMO E TERRITORIO», 2008, 71 (12), pp. 33 - 38 [Scientific article]
A. COCURULLO; G.D. AIREY; A.C. COLLOP; C. SANGIORGI, Indirect Tensile versus Two Point Bending Fatigue Testing, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. TRANSPORT», 2008, 161, pp. 207 - 220 [Scientific article]
G. Dezi; C. Sangiorgi; M. Marinelli, CITY LOGISTICS: PIANIFICAZIONE SPAZIO – TEMPORALE DEL TRASPORTO MERCI IN AMBITO URBANO, in: PROF.ING.GIOVANNI TESORIERE PROF.ING.ORAZIO GIUFFRÈ, Le reti di Trasporto Urbano. progettazione - Costruzione - Gestione, PALERMO, EDIZIONI CARACOL, 2008(atti di: 17° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE SIIV Le reti di Trasporto Urbano. progettazione - Costruzione - Gestione, ENNA, 10-12 Settembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. DONDI; C.SANGIORGI; M. BRAGAGLIA; M.PETTINARI, Capitolo 9 – Barriere e dispositivi di sicurezza stradale, in: ROBERTO BUSI, Progettazione e gestione degli spazi esterni alla carreggiata, FORLI, EGAF EDIZIONI SRL, 2008, pp. 205 - 242 (TECNICHE PER LA SICUREZZA IN AMBITO URBANO) [Chapter or essay]
Giacchetti G.; Marchi G.; Benedetti G.; Landuzzi A., The Scascoli case study (Bologna - Italy): design and safety measures of a large landslide area., in: Extended Abstracts, DORNBIRN, s.n, 2008, pp. ? - ? (atti di: 11th Interpraevent Congress 2008, Dornbirn, 26-30 May 2008) [Abstract]
Giacchetti G.; Marchi G.; Benedetti G.; Landuzzi A., Design of emergency landslide remediations supported by finite and distinct elements analysis., in: Book of abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. ? - ? (atti di: 33rd International Geological Congress 2008, Oslo, Norway, August 6th – 14th) [Abstract]
Giacchetti G.; Marchi G.; Benedetti G.; Landuzzi A., The Scascoli case study (Bologna - Italy): design and safety measures of a large landslide area., in: Proceedings, s.l, s.n, 2008, 2, pp. 135 - 146 (atti di: 11th Interpraevent Congress 2008, Dornbirn, 26-30 May 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Borgatti L.; Corsini A.; Marcato G.; Zabuski L., Appraise the structural mitigation of landslide risk via numerical modelling: a case study from the northern Apennines (Italy)., «GEORISK», 2008, 2(3), pp. 141 - 160 [Scientific article]