Ustolin Federico; Scarponi Giordano Emrys; Iannaccone Tommaso; Cozzani Valerio; Paltrinieri Nicola, Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage Tanks Exposed to Fires: a CFD study, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2022, 90, pp. 535 - 540 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bonvicini, Sarah; Bernardini, Giulia; Scarponi, Giordano Emrys; Cassina, Luca; Collina, Andrea; Cozzani, Valerio, A methodology for Response Gap Analysis in offshore oil spill emergency management, «MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN», 2022, 174, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Rachele Corticelli, Margherita Pazzini, Cecilia Mazzoli, Claudio Lantieri, Annarita Ferrante, Valeria Vignali, Urban Regeneration and Soft Mobility: The Case Study of the Rimini Canal Port in Italy, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2022, 14, pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article] Open Access
L. Crociati, T. Jeannin, L. Molari, V. Placet,, Sandwich panels with Arundo Donax core and flax fibre skins, in: Proceedings NOCMAT, 2022, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: The International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies (NOCMAT 2022), held virtually, 7 to 23 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Silvia Greco, Luisa Molari, Giovanni Valdre, Jose Jaime Garcia, FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR THE PREDICTION OF THE CIRCUMFERENTIAL BAMBOO STRENGTH, in: Proceedings of The International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies NOCMAT 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: The International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies NOCMAT 2022, held virtually, 7 to 23 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Girelli V.A.; Tini M.A.; Bitelli G., VERY HIGH-RESOLUTION 3D SURVEYING AND MODELLING EXPERIENCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS, in: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, BAHNHOFSALLE 1E, GOTTINGEN, 37081, GERMANY, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2022, 43, pp. 673 - 678 (atti di: 2022 24th ISPRS Congress on Imaging Today, Foreseeing Tomorrow, Commission II, fra, 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Bitelli G.; Girelli V.A.; Medica M.; Tini M.A., From 3D surveying to replica, a resource for the valorisation of museum artifacts. the case of the bas-relief of Giovanni da Legnano in Bologna, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2022, 2204, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article] Open Access
Saccani Andrea, Manzi Stefania, Alessandra Michelacci, Lancellotti Isabella, Alkali-silica reactions in alkali-activated mortars containing reactive WEEE glasses, in: 16th ICAAR Lisboa 2020-2022 – Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, LISBOA, LABORATÓRIO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL, I. P., 2022, II, pp. 259 - 264 (atti di: 16th ICAAR Lisboa 2020-2022 –16th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Lisboa, May 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Andrea Saccani; Stefania Manzi, The Role of Microstructure in Alkali-Silica Reaction Tests, «CRYSTALS», 2022, 12, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea Saccani; Maurizio Fiorini; Stefania Manzi, Recycling of Wastes Deriving from the Production of Epoxy-Carbon Fiber Composites in the Production of Polymer Composites, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2022, 12, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article] Open Access
Coppola, Luigi; Beretta, Silvia; Bignozzi, Maria Chiara; Bolzoni, Fabio; Brenna, Andrea; Cabrini, Marina; Candamano, Sebastiano; Caputo, Domenico; Carsana, Maddalena; Cioffi, Raffaele; Coffetti, Denny; Colangelo, Francesco; Crea, Fortunato; De Gisi, Sabino; Diamanti, Maria Vittoria; Ferone, Claudio; Frontera, Patrizia; Gastaldi, Matteo Maria; Labianca, Claudia; Lollini, Federica; Lorenzi, Sergio; Manzi, Stefania; Marroccoli, Milena; Notarnicola, Michele; Ormellese, Marco; Pastore, Tommaso; Pedeferri, MariaPia; Petrella, Andrea; Redaelli, Elena; Roviello, Giuseppina; Telesca, Antonio; Todaro, Francesco, The Improvement of Durability of Reinforced Concretes for Sustainable Structures: A Review on Different Approaches, «MATERIALS», 2022, 15, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article] Open Access
Peyronel L.; Mandanici E.; Mantellini S.; Vacca A.; Bitelli G., Quantitative GIS-based analysis of archaeological data of the archaic state of Tell Mardikh/Ebla (3rdmillennium BC): The Big-DEA project, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2022, 2204, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fabiana Zama, Germana Landi, Giovanni Vito Spinelli, Pellegrino Conte, Paolo Lo Meo, Leonardo Brizi, Claudia Testa, Anastasiia Nagmutdinova, Villiam Bortolotti, ModelFreeFFC Tool: inversion method and software for the analysis of NMRD profiles, in: 12th Conference on Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry, 2022(atti di: 12th Conference on Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Cambridge, 13-15 July 2022) [Poster]
Giovanni Vito Spinelli, Fabiana Zama, Germana Landi, Pellegrino Conte, Paolo Lo Meo, Leonardo Brizi, Claudia Testa, Anastasiia Nagmutdinova, Villiam Bortolotti, Inversion method for the analysis of NMRD profiles by means of the software tools ModelFreeFFC and MFMUPenFFC, in: Italian - French International Conference on Magnetic Resonance, jointly organized by GERM and GIDRM, 2022(atti di: Italian - French International Conference on Magnetic Resonance, jointly organized by GERM and GIDRM, Milano, 27-30 September 2022) [Poster]
Pazzini M.; Cameli L.; Lantieri C.; Vignali V.; Dondi G.; Jonsson T., New Micromobility Means of Transport: An Analysis of E-Scooter Users’ Behaviour in Trondheim, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2022, 19, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Di Talia V.; Antonioni G., The Integration of Social Media Data in Emergency Management: an Innovative Decision Support System, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2022, 91, pp. 577 - 582 [Scientific article] Open Access
Franzoni E.; Bassi M., A new sensorized ceramic plug for the remote monitoring of moisture in historic masonry walls: First results from laboratory and onsite testing, «STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING», 2022, 29, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barbieri E.; Trevisiol F.; Pizzigatti C.; Bitelli G.; Franzoni E., Evaluating water-repellents applied to brick masonry: An experimental study by thermal imaging and water transport properties’ characterization, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2022, 356, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lucia Praticò; Marco Bovo; Marco Savoia, Observational loss database of typological precast RC buildings damaged after the 2012 Emilia Earthquake, in: Giuseppe Ferro, Luciana Restuccia, Proceedings of the ANIDIS Conference (Torino, Settembre 2022), Structural Integrity, 2022, 44, pp. 1776 - 1783 (atti di: Congresso ANIDIS, Torino, 11-15 Settembre 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Lucia Praticò; Marco Bovo; Nicola Buratti; Marco Savoia, Large-scale seismic damage scenario assessment of precast buildings after the May 2012 Emilia earthquake, «BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING», 2022, 20, pp. 8411 - 8444 [Scientific article] Open Access