Pettinari M.; Simone A., Effect of Crumb Rubber Gradation on a Rubberized Cold Recycled Mixture for road pavements, «MATERIALS & DESIGN», 2015, 85, pp. 598 - 606 [Scientific article]
Irali, F.; Gonzalez, M.; Tighe, S.L.; Simone, A., Temperature and aging effects on tire/pavement noise generation in Ontarian road pavements, in: TRB 94th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 2015, TRB 94th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, pp. 1 - 16 (atti di: TRB 94th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States, 2015-1-11 to 2015-1-15) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Vannini, Micaela; Marchese, Paola; Celli, Annamaria; Lorenzetti, Cesare, Fully biobased poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) for packaging applications: excellent barrier properties as a function of crystallinity, «GREEN CHEMISTRY», 2015, 17, pp. 4162 - 4166 [Scientific article]
Frollini, Elisabete; Bartolucci, Nadia; Sisti, Laura; Celli, Annamaria, Biocomposites based on poly(butylene succinate) and curaua: Mechanical and morphological properties, «POLYMER TESTING», 2015, 45, pp. 168 - 173 [Scientific article]
Tornabene, Francesco.; Fantuzzi, Nicholas.; Bacciocchi, Michele.; Viola, Erasmo., Higher-Order Theories for the Free Vibration of Doubly-Curved Laminated Panels with Curvilinear Reinforcing Fibers by Means of a Local Version of the GDQ Method, «COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING», 2015, 81, pp. 196 - 230 [Scientific article]
Tornabene, Francesco; Brischetto, Salvatore.; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Viola, Erasmo, Numerical and Exact Models for Free Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical and Spherical Shell Panels, «COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING», 2015, 81, pp. 231 - 250 [Scientific article]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Dimitri, Rossana, Dynamic Analysis of Thick and Thin Elliptic Shell Structures Made of Laminated Composite Materials, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2015, 133, pp. 278 - 299 [Scientific article]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Dimitri, Rossana, Free Vibrations of Composite Oval and Elliptic Cylinders by the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method, «THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES», 2015, 97, pp. 114 - 129 [Scientific article]
Brischetto, Salvatore; Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele, Refined 2D and Exact 3D Shell Models for the Free Vibration Analysis of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, «TECHNOLOGIES», 2015, 3, pp. 259 - 284 [Scientific article]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Viola, Erasmo, Computational Models for Laminated Doubly-Curved Shells with Variable Radii of Curvatures Using Weak and Strong Formulations, in: 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2015), Madrid, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2015), Madrid, Spain, 6-10 July 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Viola, Erasmo, Advanced Applications for Laminated Doubly-Curved Shells with Variable Curvatures, in: 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Porto, A.J.M. Ferreira, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Porto, Portugal, 15-18 June 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Tornabene, Francesco; Viola, Erasmo, Strong Formulation Finite Element Method for Arbitrary Shaped Composite Structures, in: 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Porto, A.J.M. Ferreira, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), Porto, Portugal, 15-18 June 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Viola, Erasmo, Static and Dynamic Analyses of Doubly-Curved Composite Thick Shells with Variable Radii of Curvatures, in: XXII° Convegno Italiano dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMETA2015), Genova, De Ferrari, 2015, pp. 120 - 120 (atti di: XXII° Convegno Italiano dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMETA2015), Genova, Italia, 14-17 September 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Viola, Erasmo; Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele, Structural Mechanics Applications using Strong Formulation Finite Element Method, in: XXII° Convegno Italiano dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMETA2015), Genova, De Ferrari, 2015, pp. 169 - 169 (atti di: XXII° Convegno Italiano dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMETA2015), Genova, Italy, 14-17 September 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Viola, Erasmo, Higher-Order Theories for the Structural Analysis of Doubly-Curved Shells and Panels Made of Innovative Materials, in: International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB 2015), Bologna, Esculapio, 2015, pp. 74 - 74 (atti di: International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB 2015), Bologna, Italy, 9-11 September 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele; Tornabene, Francesco; Viola, Erasmo, Static and Dynamic Analyses of Arbitrarily Shaped Laminated Composite Structures, in: International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB 2015), Bologna, Esculapio, 2015, pp. 75 - 75 (atti di: International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB 2015), Bologna, Italy, 9-11 September 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tornabene, Francesco; Fantuzzi, Nicholas; Bacciocchi, Michele, Advanced Laminated Composite Applications for Doubly-Curved Shell Structural Components with Variable Curvature, in: XXIII° Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA2015), 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: XXIII° Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA2015), Torino, Italy, 17-19 November 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bitelli, Gabriele; Gatta, Giorgia, Dalla carta antica al sistema informativo territoriale: evoluzione storica dell’antico canale dei mulini di Cesena, in: Bartolini, Fabio, Dalla carta antica al sistema informativo territoriale: evoluzione storica dell’antico canale dei mulini di Cesena, Cesena, Stilgraf, 2015, pp. 0 - 0 [Preface]
Landi, Luca; Conti, Filippo; Diotallevi, Pier Paolo, Effectiveness of different distributions of viscous damping coefficients for the seismic retrofit of regular and irregular RC frames, «ENGINEERING STRUCTURES», 2015, 100, pp. 79 - 93 [Scientific article]
Landi, Luca; Gabellieri, Rocco; Diotallevi, Pier Paolo, A model for the out-of-plane dynamic analysis of unreinforced masonry walls in buildings with flexible diaphragms, «SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING», 2015, 79, pp. 211 - 222 [Scientific article]