Negrin, M.; Mariani, M.; Macerata, E.; Consolati, G.; Quasso, F.; Genovese, L.; Soccio, M.; Lotti, N.; Munari, A., Effect of gamma irradiation on novel fully aliphatic Poly(Propylene/Neopenthyl Glycol Cyclohexanedicarboxylate) random copolymers, in: PROGRAM / BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AMPT 2015, 2015(atti di: Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies Conference, Madrid (Spain), 14 - 17 December 2015) [Poster]
Gandolfi, S.; Tavasci, L.; Poluzzi, L., Structural monitoring using GNSS technology and sequential filtering, in: FIG, From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World, FIG, 2015, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World, Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-21 May 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bonoli, A; Lalli, F; Zanni, S, Development of a multicriteria indicator of virtuosity in waste management addressed to local authorities, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2015, 14, pp. 1649 - 1663 [Scientific article]
Ester Maria Vasini; Alfredo Battistelli; Paolo Berry; Stefano Bonduà; Villiam Bortolotti; Carlo Cormio; Lehua Pan, INTERPRETATION OF PRODUCTION TESTS IN GEOTHERMAL WELLS WITH T2WELL-EWASG, in: TOUGH Symposium 2015 PROCEEDINGS, 2015, pp. 185 - 192 (atti di: TOUGH Symposium 2015, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, September 28-30, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Forchielli, M.L; Bonoli, A.; Bersani, G., Replay to the Editor regarding Prof Klek's letter -reference manuscript # YCLNU-D-13-00298R2 Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures for Pediatric Patients Compounded with Highly Refined Fish Oil-Based Emulsion: Assessment of Physicochemical Stability, «CLINICAL NUTRITION», 2015, 34, pp. 1030 - 1031 [Comment or similar]
Bonoli, A.; Rizzo, S.; Chiavetta, C., Straw as construction material for sustainable buildings: Life Cycle Assessment of a post-earthquake reconstruction, in: Vernacular Architecture: Towards a Sustainable Future - Proceedings of the International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 6000 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY NW, STE 300, BOCA RATON, FL 33487-2742 USA, 2015, pp. 143 - 146 (atti di: VerSus 2014 / 2nd Mediterra / 2nd ResTapia - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture, Valencia, esp, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Serrano-Bernardo, Francisco A; Bruzzi, Luigi; Marcucci, Marianna; Bonoli, Alessandra; Rosúa-Campos, José Luis, Making tourism more sustainable: The role of ecotourism and of other forms of green tourism, in: Ecotourism: Practices, Benefits and Environmental Impacts, New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2015, pp. 1 - 28 [Chapter or essay]
Landucci, G.; Argenti, F.; Tugnoli, A.; Cozzani, V., Probabilistic analysis of cascading events triggered by fire, in: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, Boca Raton, CRC Press/Balkema, 2015, pp. 497 - 505 (atti di: 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, swz, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tugnoli, A.; Paltrinieri, N.; Bonvicini, S.; Cozzani, V., Inherent safety key performance indicators for LNG regasification terminals, «PETROLEUM ABSTRACTS», 2015, 55, pp. 101 - 101 [Abstract]
Stefano Bonduà; Alfredo Battistelli; Paolo Berry; Villiam Bortolotti; Alberto Consonni; Carlo Cormio; Claudio Geloni; Ester Maria Vasini, THERMODYNAMICS RELATED PROCESSES DURING THE MIGRATION OF ACID GASES AND METHANE IN DEEP SEDIMENTARY FORMATIONS, in: Proceedings of the TOUGH Symposium 2015, 2015, pp. 14 - 21 (atti di: TOUGH Symposium 2015, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA, September 28-30, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Moricone, Raffaela; Tugnoli, Alessandro, Investigating the properties of fireproofing materials for an advanced design of equipment protection, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2015, 43, pp. 2389 - 2394 [Scientific article]
N. Paolucci; R. Porcelli; A. Tugnoli, Comparison of Alternative Supply Chains for Energy Production from Marginal Biomasses, in: Conference Proceedings of the 4rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering, 2015, pp. 10 - 10 (atti di: 4rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE), Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 26-29, 2015) [Abstract]
Baniasadi, M.; Basile, L.; Tugnoli, A.; Cozzani, V., Product yields from the slow pyrolysis process of poultry litter, in: E-book EMCHIE, 2015, pp. 1063 - 1065 (atti di: 7th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Tarragona, Spain, 10-12 June 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cesare Oliviero Rossi; Assunta Spadafora; Bagdat Teltayev; Galiya Izmailova; Yerik Amerbayev; Villiam Bortolotti, Polymer modified bitumen: Rheological properties and structural characterization, «COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. A, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS», 2015, 480, pp. 390 - 397 [Scientific article] Open Access
Basile, L.; Baniasadi, M.; Tugnoli, A.; Cozzani, V., Experimental and modeling study of the heat of biomass pyrolysis, in: Procedings of the Emchie Conference - E-book EMCHIE, 2015, pp. 1084 - 1089 (atti di: 7th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment, Tarragona, Spain, 10-12 June 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Maglionico, Marco; Stojkov, Irena, Water consumption in a public swimming pool, «WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: WATER SUPPLY», 2015, 15, pp. 1304 - 1311 [Scientific article]
Bonoli A.; Zanni S., Bioremediation of radioactivity in contaminated environmental media, in: ADELA MARILENA BUBURUZAN, DANIELA GAVRILESCU, Carmen Teodosiu, Book of Abstract ICEEM, IASI, ECOZONE Publishing House (OAIMDD), 2015, 1, pp. 303 - 304 (atti di: 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT – ICEEM08, IASI- Romania, 9 - 12 SEPTEMBER 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Saracino, Ada; Curcuruto, Matteo; Antonioni, Giacomo; Mariani, Marco Giovanni; Guglielmi, Dina; Spadoni, Gigliola, Proactivity-and-consequence-based safety incentive (PCBSI) developed with a fuzzy approach to reduce occupational accidents, «SAFETY SCIENCE», 2015, 79, pp. 175 - 183 [Scientific article] Open Access
Saracino, A.; Antonioni, G.; Spadoni, G.; Curcuruto, M.; Guglielmi, D.; Mariani, M.G., A safety incentive system based on workers behaviour and calculated through a fuzzy inference system, in: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, CRC Press/Balkema, 2015, pp. 3309 - 3316 (atti di: 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, swz, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Pabst, Willi; Gregorová, Eva; Rambaldi, Elisa; Bignozzi, Maria Chiara, Effective elastic constants of plagioclase feldspar aggregates in dependence of the anorthite content - A concise review, «CERAMICS-SILIKATY», 2015, 50, pp. 326 - 330 [Scientific article]