As in the past, UniBo organizes a rich series of events open to citizenship in the frame of the European Researchers' Night initiative (
The event "Far away, near by. In space and time" will take place in the beautiful spaces of Palazzo Magnani, Via Zamboni 20, Bologna, from 6 pm to midnight. It will be held (in Italian) by the Geomatics Area of DICAM Department, with the coordination of Prof. Gabriele Bitelli.
The theme will be addressed with Geomatics techniques and tools:
- satellite remote sensing, with the presentation of the European program Copernicus for Earth Observation and some applications realized by the group for different purposes;
- an experience of crowdmapping open to all the visitors, with the possibility to contribute to the mapping of areas of the world that are today without any cartographic base;
- the historical cartography of Bologna of the last centuries, explored in an innovative way by digital tools in a GIS system through a large touch-screen;
- the 3D survey of Cultural Heritage, with the demonstration of high precision surveying techniques for architecture and objects, using different scanning systems.
Participants: Gabriele Bitelli, Francesca Franci, Chiara Francolini, Giorgia Gatta, Valentina Alena Girelli, Alessandro Lambertini, Pietro Mattivi, Ilenia Selvaggi, Francesca Trevisiol.