Concluded events
Presentations and meetings
What are the latest frontiers of research in the fight against climate change?
Aula Giorgio Prodi (Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2 - Bologna)
On 31 May, there will be a meeting with Professor Di Lorenzo from Brown University to discuss the removal of carbon dioxide from the oceans in the fight against climate change.
Presentations and meetings
Aula Magna, Via Foscolo 7, Bologna
Mapping event (crowdmapping) that takes place as part of the international initiative "Open Street Map Geography Awareness Week"
Presentations and meetings
13 February - The crisis in Iran. A Toolkit for understanding international dynamics
Aula 2, Palazzo Hercolani (Strada Maggiore, 45 - Bologna) and online on Teams
Attend the free-entry event, either in person or online via Teams
Presentations and meetings
"H2020 MSCA SAFERUP!" Project: closing event
PEARL (University College of London) in London and on-line
Project on Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements coordinated by Prof. Cesare Sangiorgi
Presentations and meetings
Meraviglie blu: the new frontiers of research and exploration for the planet
DAMSLab (P.zzetta P. P. Pasolini, 5/b - Bologna)
What secrets hide in the oceans? With Alma Mater researchers and National Geographic explorers we will discover how to protect the marine environment restoring the balance between Humans and Nature.