2 PhD positions in the MSCA-Doctoral Network project GreeNexUS

2 PhD positions in the MSCA-Doctoral Network project GreeNexUS

The EU funded project Green-health-safety Nexus for new Urban Spaces is now hiring 2 PhDs

Published: 23 March 2023 | Innovazione e ricerca

The GreeNexUS project proposes a novel and multidisciplinary approach to promote urban greening, territorial regeneration and safety/accessibility/walkability of urban infrastructures, as key strategies to face those challenges, while addressing climate change and preventing pandemics from exacerbating inequalities in disadvantaged/vulnerable groups.

In this context, the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering offers 2 PhD positions in the following fields:

Doctoral Candidate #9: Impact Absorbing Pavements with Improved Accessibility Features (IAP)

The main objective of the project is to develop Impact Absorbing Pavements for footpaths and bike-lanes improving the state-of-the-art surface materials that make use of waste tire rubber and other recycled materials from pavements.

Please find the IAP Job Description and the Application Form on the Project website: https://greenexus.unibo.it/jobs/iap/ 

Doctoral Candidate #10: Sustainable Bio-pavements for Low-emitting Urban Surfaces (SUBLUS)

The main objective of the project is to develop alternative paving solutions for urban surfaces that make use of bio-binders and artificial aggregates produced from recycled waste powders.

Please find the SUBLUS Job Description and the Application Form on the Project websitehttps://greenexus.unibo.it/jobs/sublus/

Application Deadline: 4th of June 2023