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Prodi, G.; Di Tommaso, M. R.; Giovannelli, S., Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo industriale. Cenni sullo scenario e dettagli di un caso studio, in: Politiche industriali in un'economia aperta: riflessioni per i paesi in via di sviluppo, ITA, Franco Angeli, 2003, pp. 165 - 186 [Chapter or essay]
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Frascari, D.; Kim, Y.; Dolan, M. E.; Semprini, L., A kinetic study of aerobic propane uptake and cometabolic degradation of chloroform, cis-dichloroethylene and trichloroetylene in microcosms with groundwater/aquifer solids, «WATER, AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION: FOCUS», 2003, 3, pp. 285 - 298 [Scientific article]
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Fava F.; Zanaroli G.; Young L.Y., Microbial reductive dechlorination of pre-existing PCBs and spiked 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl in anaerobic slurries of a contaminated sediment of Venice Lagoon (Italy), «FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY», 2003, 44, pp. 309 - 318 [Scientific article]
Fava, F.; Gentilucci, S.; Zanaroli, G., Anaerobic biodegradation of weathered polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in contaminated sediments of Porto Marghera (Venice Lagoon, Italy), «CHEMOSPHERE», 2003, 53, pp. 101 - 109 [Scientific article]
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Fava F.; Bertin L.; Fedi S.; Zannoni D., Methyl-β-cyclodextrin-enhanced solubilization and aerobic biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in two aged-contaminated soils, «BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING», 2003, 81, pp. 381 - 390 [Scientific article]
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