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Berti C.; Colonna M.; Fiorini M.; Lorenzetti C.; Sisti L., Chemical Modification of Bisphenol A Polycarbonate by Reactive Blending with Cyclic Anhydrides Part 1: Reaction with Succinic Anhydride, «POLYMER BULLETIN», 2003, 51, pp. 111 - 118 [Scientific article]
Berti C.; Bonora V.; Colonna M.; Lotti N.; Sisti L., Effect of carboxyl end groups content on the thermal and electrical properties of poly(propylene terephthalate), «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2003, 39, pp. 1595 - 1601 [Scientific article]
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Sisti L.; Finelli L.; Lotti N.; Berti C.; Munari A., Memory effect in melting behaviour, crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly(propylene terephthalate), «E-POLYMERS», 2003, 3, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
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Ferretti, E; Di Leo, A; Viola, E, A novel approach for the identification of material elastic constants, in: Problems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and Applications, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, A-1201 VIENNA, AUSTRIA, SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN, 2003, pp. 117 - 131 (CISM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES) [Chapter or essay]
Ferretti, E; Di Leo, A; Viola, E, Computational aspects and numerical simulations in the elastic constants identification, in: Problems in Structural Identification and Diagnostics: General Aspects and Applications, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, A-1201 VIENNA, AUSTRIA, SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN, 2003, pp. 133 - 147 (CISM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES) [Chapter or essay]
Macini, P., Mesini, E. (a cura di): Georgius Agricola, DE RE METALLICA, con in appendice il De animantibus subterraneis – BERMANNUS, ovvero un dialogo sul mondo minerale, Bologna, CLUEB, 2003, pp. 576 . [Editorship]