MACINI P.; MESINI E. (a cura di): ATTI DEL 15° GEOFLUID, PIACENZA, 9 OTTOBRE 2004, Problemi di Geoingegneria: sondaggi e perforazioni, SEGRATE, Geo-Graph, 2004, pp. 134 . [Editorship]
Montanari A.; Uhlenbrook S. (a cura di): AA.VV, Catchment modelling: towards an improved representation of the hydrological processes in real-world model applications, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 3-4 (Special Issue of the Journal of Hydrology). [Editorship]
A. Brath; A. Montanari; E. Toth (a cura di): AA. VV., Recent advances in peak river flow modelling, prediction and real-time forecasting - Assessment of the impacts of land-use and climate changes, COSENZA, BIOS, 2004, pp. 432 . [Editorship]