M. Minelli; M. Giacinti Baschetti; F. Doghieri, Analysis of modeling results for barrier properties in ordered nanocomposite systems, «JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE», 2009, 327, pp. 208 - 215 [Scientific article]
P. Macini; E. Mesini, History of Petroleum and Petroleum Engineering, in: Petroleum Engineering - Upstream, OXFORD, Eolss Publishers, 2009, pp. 1 - 32 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
P. Macini; E. Mesini, Risorse di idrocarburi e mezzogiorno, in: Energia e Mezzogiorno, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2009, pp. 119 - 144 (Ernst & Young Business School Ricerche) [Chapter or essay]
Bortolotti, Villiam; Gottardi, Guido; Macini, Paolo; Srisuriyachai, Falan, Intermittent Alkali Flooding in Vertical Carbonate Reservoirs, in: SPE Paper 121832, Proc. 2009 SPE/EAGE Conference, RICHARDSON, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2009, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-11 Jun. 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bortolotti, Villiam; Macini, Paolo; Srisuriyachai, Falan, Laboratory Evaluation of Alkali and Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding Combined with Intermittent Flow in Carbonatic Rocks, in: SPE Paper 122499, Proceedings of the 2009 SPE APOGCE, RICHARDSON, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2009, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-6 Aug. 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bortolotti, Villiam; Fantazzini, Paola; Gombia, Mirko; Macini, Paolo; Mesini, Ezio; Srisuriyachai, Falan, Combined Spatially Resolved and Non-resolved 1H-NMR Relaxation Analysis to Assess and Monitor Wettability Reversal in Carbonate Rocks, in: IPTC/SPE Paper 13443, Proceedings IPTC 2009, RICHARDSON, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2009, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: International Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha, Qatar, 7–9 December 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bitelli G.; Cremonini S.; Gatta G., Ancient maps comparison and georeferencing techniques: a case study, in: ICA COMMISSION ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN CARTOGRAPHIC HERITAGE UNIVERSITÀ IUAV DI VENEZIA HELLENIC CARTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, Abstracts of the Fourth International Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Venice , April 6-7, 2009, VENEZIA, s.n, 2009, pp. 177 - 178 (atti di: Fourth International Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Venice, April 6-7, 2009) [Abstract]
SOLDATI M.; BORGATTI L., Paleoclimatic significance of Holocene slope instability in the Dolomites (Italy)., «GEOGRAFIA FISICA E DINAMICA QUATERNARIA», 2009, 32, pp. 83 - 88 [Scientific article]
SOLDATI M.; BORGATTI L., Landslides and climate change in a region of high geoheritage value: the Italian Dolomites., in: World Danxia - The 2nd Collection. Collected papers of the First International Symposium on Danxia Landform, Danxiashan Guandong China, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 333 - 336 (atti di: First International Symposium on Danxia Landform, The Danxia Geomorphology and Tourism Development, Research Society of China, Danxiashan Guandong China, 26-28 May 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cervi F.; Bloschl G.; Borgatti L.; Ronchetti F.; Corsini A., Predizione a scala regionale di indici di magra in bacini montani non strumentati e possibili implicazioni nella stima del Deflusso Minimo Vitale., in: Studi ed esperienze sull’uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche dell’Appennino mitigazione degli effetti del cambiamento climatico miglioramento dello stato ecologico dei corsi d’acqua ottimizzazione degli interventi per lo sfruttamento idropotabile ed idroelettrico., s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 17 - 20 (atti di: Conferenza Interregionale Studi ed esperienze sull’uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche dell’Appennino mitigazione degli effetti del cambiamento climatico miglioramento dello stato ecologico dei corsi d’acqua ottimizzazione degli interventi per lo sfruttamento idropotabile ed idroelettrico., Pennabilli, Montefeltro, 26-27 Giugno 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. CORONEO; J. CATALANO; G. MONTANTE; M. GIACINTI BASCHETTI ; A. PAGLIANTI; G. C. SARTI, EXPERIMENTAL AND CFD MODELLING OF MEMBRANES FOR HYDROGEN SEPARATION, in: MARTINE POUX & PATRICK COGNET INPT-ENSIACET - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER (LABORATOIRE DE GÉNIE CHIMIQUE), TOULOUSE - FRANCE ANDRZEJ STANKIEWICZ DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, THE NETHERLANDS, Proceedings of 2nd International Congress on Green Process Engineering 2nd European Process Intensification Conference, TOULOUSE, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2009, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2nd International Congress on Green Process Engineering 2nd European Process Intensification Conference, Venice (Italy), 14-17 june 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. DI BALDASSARRE; A. CASTELLARIN; A. BRATH, Analysis of the effects of levee heightening on flood propagation: example of the River Po, Italy, «HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL», 2009, 54(6), pp. 1007 - 1017 [Scientific article]
G. Di Baldassarre; A. Castellarin; A. Brath, LA DESCRIZIONE TOPOGRAFICA DELL’ALVEO NELLA MODELLISTICA IDRAULICA MONODIMENSIONALE, «L'ACQUA», 2009, 4, pp. 9 - 19 [Scientific article]
G. Landucci; M. Molag; V. Cozzani, Modeling the performance of coated LPG tanks engulfed in fires, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2009, 172, pp. 447 - 456 [Scientific article]
G. Landucci; G. Gubinelli; G. Antonioni; V. Cozzani, The assessment of the damage probability of storage tanks in domino events, «ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION», 2009, 41, pp. 1206 - 1215 [Scientific article]
N. Paltrinieri; G. Landucci; M. Molag; S. Bonvicini; G. Spadoni; V. Cozzani, Risk reduction in road and rail LPG transportation by passive fire protection, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2009, 167, pp. 332 - 344 [Scientific article]
M. Cordella; A. Tugnoli; F. Barontini; G. Spadoni; V. Cozzani, Inherent safety of substances: identification of accidental scenarios due to decomposition products, «JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES», 2009, 22, pp. 455 - 462 [Scientific article]
A. Tugnoli; G. Landucci; V. Cozzani, Key Performance Indicators for Inherent Safety: Application to the Hydrogen Supply Chain, «PROCESS SAFETY PROGRESS», 2009, 28, pp. 156 - 170 [Scientific article]
G. Antonioni; S. Bonvicini; G. Spadoni; V. Cozzani, Development of a general framework for the risk assessment of Na-Tech accidents, «RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY», 2009, 94, pp. 1442 - 1450 [Scientific article]
E. Franzoni; F. Sandrolini; A.C. Dell'Acqua; M. Battistini; E. Corradetti; A. Ugolini, Per un recupero dell'edilizia rurale antica: materiali e modi del costruire nell'Appennino romagnolo (comprensori di Longiano, Sogliano al Rubicone e Torriana), «ARKOS», 2009, 21, pp. 39 - 51 [Scientific article]