Spreafico M.C.; Bacenetti M.; Borgatti L.; Perotti L.; Pellegrini M., Structural analysis of San Leo (RN, Italy) east and north cliffs using 3D point clouds, in: Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Roma, Società Geologica Italiana, 2013, 24, pp. 304 - 306 (atti di: IX Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Napoli, 14-15 febbraio 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Moncalero M; Colonna M; pezzoli A; Nicotra M, Pilot Study for the Evaluation of Thermal Properties and Moisture Management on Ski Boots, in: icSPORTS2013-International Congresson Sports Science Researchand Technology Support, 2013, pp. 171 - 178 (atti di: icSPORTS2013, Vilamoura, Portogallo, 20-22 settembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Patent 8,487,066, Polycarbonate nanocomposites.
Guido Gottardi; Laura Govoni, Modellazione e progetto di barriere paramassi, Benevento, Hevelius Edizioni, 2013, pp. 120 . [Research monograph]
A. Domeneghetti; S. Vorogushyn; A. Castellarin; B. Merz; A. Brath, Probabilistic flood hazard mapping: effects of uncertain boundary conditions, «HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2013, 17, pp. 3127 - 3140 [Scientific article]
Aligi Foglia; Lars Bo Ibsen; Guido Gottardi; Laura Govoni, Modellazione fisica 1g di fondazioni a cassone soggette a carico ciclico, in: Atti dell'Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica, IARG 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Incontro Annuale Ricercatori Geotecnica, IARG 2013, Perugia, 16-18 Settembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Gigli; N. Lotti; M. Gazzano; L. Finelli; A. Munari, Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(butylene succinate)-based Copolyesters designed as potential candidates for soft tissue engineering, «POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE», 2013, 53, pp. 491 - 501 [Scientific article]
G. Castellazzi;C. Gentilini;L. Nobile, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a Historical Church: Limit Analysis and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, «ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING», 2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Alessandro Perelli; Luca De Marchi; Alessandro Marzani; Steven Freear, Compressive Sensing for Damage Detection in Composite Aircraft Wings, in: 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA), DEStech Publications, 2013, pp. 917 - 924 (atti di: 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Palo Alto (USA), 10-12 September 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Luca De Marchi; Alessandro Perelli; Nicola Testoni; Alessandro Marzani; Davide Brunelli; Luca Benini, A Small, Light and Low-Power Passive Node Sensor for SHM of Composite Panels, in: 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA), DEStech Publications, 2013, pp. 2218 - 2224 (atti di: 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Palo Alto (USA), 10-12 September 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Gualandi; L. Mantecchini; F. Paganelli, Airport mergers and acquisitions: the case of Italy, in: Environment, land use and transportation systems, Milano, Edizioni Franco Angeli, 2013, pp. 133 - 144 [Chapter or essay]
M. Soccio; N. Lotti; A. Munari, Influence of block length on crystallization kinetics and melting behavior of poly(butylene/thiodiethylene succinate) block copolymers, «JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY», 2013, 114(2), pp. 677 - 688 [Scientific article]
M. Palermo; J. A. Goulet; S. Baraccani; S. Silvestri; G. Gasparini; T. Trombetti, The structural health monitoring of the Garisenda Tower in Bologna, Italy, in: Proceedings of the Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna, C. Adam, R. Heuer, W. Lenhardt & C. Schranz Eds, 2013, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna (Austria), 28-30 Agosto 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Palermo; I. Ricci; S. Silvestri; G. Gasparini; T. Trombetti, Shaking table test of a full-scale 3-storey building composed of thin reinforced concrete sandwich walls, in: Proceedings of the Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna, C. Adam, R. Heuer, W. Lenhardt & C. Schranz Eds, 2013, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vienna, 28-30 Agosto 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Drudi; D. Tassinari; J. Giuliani; C. Ridolfi; L. Gianni; E. Tamburini; M. Fantini; C. SantelmoE. Barzotti; N. Lotti, Radically resected pancreatic cancer and adjuvant treatment. A review of the literature., «RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA», 2013, 104(2), pp. 80 - 85 [Scientific article]
Michele Palermo; Giada Gasparini; Stefano Silvestri; Tomaso Trombetti, The Maximum Corner Displacement Magnification of One-Storey Eccentric Systems, in: Proceedings of the ICEAS13 (The 2013 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures), Techno Press, 2013, pp. 1 - 18 (atti di: The 2013 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS2013) in The World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM 2013), Jeju Island, 8-12 Settembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Gigli; M. Vercellino; N. Lotti; L. Visai; A. Munari, Novel biodegradable and biocompatible poly(butylene cyclohexandicarboxylate/diglycolate) random copolyesters with adjustable properties for controlled drug release, in: Frontiers in Polymer Science, 2013(atti di: Frontiers in Polymer Science, Sitges-Spagna, 21-23 Maggio 2013) [Poster]
M. Gigli; N. Lotti; M. Gazzano; V. Siracusa; L. Finelli; A. Munari, Novel eco-friendly poly(butylene/triethylene cyclohexandicarboxylate) random copolyesters designed as potential candidates for food packaging, in: Third International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, 2013(atti di: Third International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, Sitges-Spagna, 21-23 Maggio 2013) [Poster]
M. Gigli; H. Chen; C. Gualandi; N. Lotti; L. Moroni; M.L. Focarete; A. Munari, PBS-based electrospun fibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering applications, in: EPF 2013, 2013(atti di: EPF2013, Pisa, 16-21 Giugno 2013) [Poster]
L. Genovese; M. Gigli; N. Lotti; M. Gazzano;V. Siracusa; A. Munari, Novel PE-like eco-friendly polymers containing ether-linkages for agricultural applications, in: EPF 2013, 2013(atti di: EPF 2013, Pisa, 16-21 Giugno 2013) [Poster]