Simonetta Baraccani, Michele Palermo, Tomaso Trombetti, and Matthew DeJong, Seismic Modelling of a Masonry Monument Including the Interaction of the Vaults, Longitudinal Walls and Soil, in: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Berlino, Springer Nature, 2019, pp. 1099 - 1107 [Chapter or essay]
Andrea Incerti, A. R. Tilocca, Francesca Ferretti, Claudio Mazzotti, Influence of masonry texture on the shear strength of FRCM reinforced panels, in: R. Aguilar, M. A. Pando, D. Torrealva, S. Moreira, L. F. Ramos, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - An Interdisciplinary Approach, Cham, Springer - RILEM Bookseries, 2019, pp. 1623 - 1631 (RILEM BOOKSERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Bovo, Marco*; Mazzotti, Claudio; Savoia, Marco, Numerical Interpretation of Structural Behavior of Stone Arches of Historical Storehouses Building, in: R. Aguilar , D. Torrealva, S. Moreira, M. A. Pando, L. F. Ramos, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - An Interdisciplinary Approach, Cham, Springer Netherlands - RILEM Bookseries, 2019, pp. 1519 - 1527 (RILEM BOOKSERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Ferretti, Francesca; Jafari, Samira*; Esposito, Rita; Rots, Jan G.; Mazzotti, Claudio, Investigation of the Shear-Sliding Behavior of Masonry Through Shove Test: Experimental and Numerical Studies, in: R. Aguilar , D. Torrealva, S. Moreira, M. A. Pando, L. F. Ramos, Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - An Interdisciplinary Approach, Cham, Springer Netherlands - RILEM Bookseries, 2019, pp. 523 - 531 (RILEM BOOKSERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Cristiana Boi, Membrane Chromatography for Biomolecule Purification, in: Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2019, pp. 151 - 166 [Chapter or essay]
Domeneghetti A.; Schumann G.J.; Tarpanelli A., Preface: Remote sensing for flood mapping and monitoring of flood dynamics, in: Remote sensing for flood mapping and monitoring of flood dynamics, Basel, MDPI AG, 2019, pp. 1 - 4 [Preface]
Nidhi Nagabhatla; Tamara Avellán; Panthea Pouramin; Manzoor Qadir; Pream Mehta; John Payne; Catalin Stefan; Stephan Hülsmann; Tommaso Abrate; Giacomo Teruggi; Frederik Pischke; Robert Oakes; Serena Ceola; Christophe Cudennec; Ignacio Deregibus; Stephanie Kuisma, The United Nations world water development report 2019: leaving no one behind - Chapter 2: Physical and environmental dimensions, in: The United NationsWorld Water Development Report 2019: Leaving No One Behind., Parigi, UNESCO, 2019, pp. 1 - 201 [Chapter or essay]
Calvano, G.; Paletta, A.; Bonoli, A., How the Structures of a Green Campus Promotes the Development of Sustainability Competences. The Experience of the University of Bologna, in: Sustainability on University Campuses: Learning, Skills Building and Best Practices, Cham, Springer, 2019, pp. 31 - 44 (WORLD SUSTAINABILITY SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Macini Paolo; Mesini Ezio, L’ingegneria mineraria all’università di Bologna, in: Nascita e sviluppo dell’ingegneria all’università di Bologna, Bologna, Bononia University Press s.r.l., 2019, pp. 621 - 639 [Chapter or essay]
Macini Paolo; Mesini Ezio, L’ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio, in: Nascita e sviluppo dell’ingegneria all’università di Bologna, Bologna, Bononia University Press s.r.l., 2019, pp. 834 - 843 [Chapter or essay]
Archetti, Renata; Damiani, Leonardo; Bianchini, Augusto; Romagnoli, Claudia; Abbiati, Marco; Addona, Fabio; Airoldi, Laura; Cantelli, Luigi; Gaeta, Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Barbanente, Angela; Saponieri, Alessandra; Simeone, Vincenzo; Tarantino, Eufemia; Francesca Bruno, Maria; Doglioni, Angelo; Motta Zanin, Giulia; Pratola, Luigi; Gianluca Molfetta, Matteo, Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: the STIMARE Project, in: The Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth (2019) International OCEAN AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, San Francisco, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), 2019, pp. 3836 - 3844 (THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Annalisa Trentin; Tomaso Trombetti, Riflessioni per un riuso della ex Manifattura Tabacchi, in: La Manifattura Tabacchi a Bologna. Ricerche sulla architettura industriale contemporanea tra storia, tecnica e riuso, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2019, pp. 207 - 231 [Chapter or essay]
Di Flumeri G., Borghini G., Aricò P., Sciaraffa N., Lanzi P., Pozzi S., Vignali V., Lantieri C., Bichicchi A., Simone A., Babiloni F., EEG-based mental workload assessment during real driving: a taxonomic tool for neuroergonomics in highly automated environments, in: Hasan Ayaz, Frederic Dehais, Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life, London, Academic Press, 2019, pp. 121 - 125 [Chapter or essay]
Simone A., Lantieri C., Meggiato A., Bollini G., Normanno A., Pazzini M., MULTI-MODALITÀ SOSTENIBILE IN AREE URBANE, in: LE STRADE DEL FUTURO. RAPPORTO DI SIN-TESI FINALE- E-BOOK, Roma, Dei srl Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2019, pp. 125 - 142 [Chapter or essay]
Tornabene F.; Fantuzzi N., Strong Formulation: A Powerful Way for Solving Doubly Curved Shell Structures, in: Advanced Structured Materials, Cham, Springer Verlag, 2019, pp. 659 - 685 (ADVANCED STRUCTURED MATERIALS) [Chapter or essay]
D'Altri A.M.; Sarhosis V.; Milani G.; Rots J.; Cattari S.; Lagomarsino S.; Sacco E.; Tralli A.; Castellazzi G.; de Miranda S., A review of numerical models for masonry structures, in: Numerical Modeling of Masonry and Historical Structures: From Theory to Application, Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing, 2019, pp. 3 - 53 [Chapter or essay]
MESINI Ezio, Foreward to the book “Design Principles and Methodologies – From conceptualization to First Prototyping with Examples and Case Studies, in: Freddi Alessandro; Mario Salmon, Design Principles and Methodologies – From conceptualization to First Prototyping with Examples and Case Studies, CHAM, SPRINGER, 2019, pp. 7 - 8 (SPRINGER TRACTS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) [Preface]
Di Tommaso, M. R.; Tassinari, M.; Ferrannini, A.;, Industry and government in the long run: on the true story of the American model, in: Transforming industrial policy for the digital age. Production, territories and structural change, GBR, Edward Elgar, 2019, pp. 83 - 111 [Chapter or essay]
Di Tommaso, M. R.; Pollio, C.; Barbieri, E.; Rubini, L., Chinese industrialization, planning and policies: local growth and global equilibria, in: Transforming industrial policy for the digital age. Production, territories and structural change, GBR, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, pp. 112 - 139 [Chapter or essay]
Huntley D.; Bobrowsky P.; Goff J.; Chague C.; Stead D.; Donati D.; Mariampillai D., Extending the terrestrial depositional record of marine geohazards in coastal NW British Columbia, in: Geological Society Special Publication, London, Geological Society of London, 2019, pp. 277 - 292 (SPECIAL PUBLICATION - GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON) [Chapter or essay]