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Paolo Macini, La geologia del petrolio in Italia nel XIX secolo: il diario di viaggio in Valacchia del Professor Giovanni Capellini, in: Ad Limina, Frontiere e contaminazioni transdisciplinari nella storia delle scienze, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2023, pp. 311 - 321 [Chapter or essay]
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Szabo S.; Funari M.F.; D'Altri A.M.; de Miranda S.; Lourenco P.B., A TWO-STEP APPROACH FOR THE SEISMIC ASSESSMENT OF MASONRY STRUCTURES ACCOUNTING FOR THE ACTUAL MASONRY PATTERN, in: COMPDYN Proceedings, National Technical University of Athens, 2023, pp. 872 - 881 (atti di: 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2023, Greece, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Parisse F.; Buonocunto V.; Cantagallo C.; Di Primio A.; Di Domenico E.; Lo Presti N.; Acconcia E.; Cannizzaro F.; Castellazzi G.; D'Altri A.M.; Liseni S.; Manzini C.F.; Marques R.; Occhipinti G.; Pacella G.; Petracca M.; Silva L.C.; Brandonisio G.; Calderoni B.; Calio I.; Camata G.; Lourenco P.B.; Milani G.; de Miranda S.; Parisi F.; Magenes G.; Cattari S., INVESTIGATING THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF URM WALLS WITH IRREGULAR OPENING LAYOUT THROUGH DIFFERENT MODELING APPROACHES, in: COMPDYN Proceedings, National Technical University of Athens, 2023, pp. 1906 - 1920 (atti di: 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2023, Greece, 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
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Monteferrante, C; Cattari, S; D'Altri, AM; Castellazzi, G; Lagormarsino, S; de Miranda, S, An energy-based methodology to estimate the ultimate condition of complex continuous masonry structures, «ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS», 2023, 151, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Castellazzi G.; Cardillo E.; Lo Presti N.; D'Altri A.M.; de Miranda S.; Bertani G.; Ferretti F.; Mazzotti C., Advancing Cultural Heritage Structures Conservation: Integrating BIM and Cloud-Based Solutions for Enhanced Management and Visualization, «HERITAGE», 2023, 6, pp. 7316 - 7342 [Scientific article] Open Access
Altobelli, Margherita; Evangelisti, Margherita; Maglionico, Marco, Multi-Objective Performance of Detention Basins and Rainwater Harvesting Systems Using Real-Time Controls with Rainfall Forecasts, «WATER», 2023, 16, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bogomolov Denis; Evgeny Burda; Stefano Mariani; Maria Gabriella Gaeta; Nicola Testoni; Canio Mennuti; Giueseppe Augugliaro; Alessandro Marzani, Approccio basato sull’entropia del segnale per la stima dei tempi di arrivo delle emissioni acustiche nel monitoraggio delle apparecchiature a pressione, in: Atti di Convegno SAFAP 2023 SICUREZZA E AFFIDABILITÀ DELLE ATTREZZATURE A PRESSIONE E DEGLI IMPIANTI DI PROCESSO, Francesca Ceruti; Daniela Gaetana Cogliani, 2023, Edizione 2023, pp. 858 - 870 (atti di: SAFAP 2023, SICUREZZA E AFFIDABILITÀ DELLE ATTREZZATURE A PRESSIONE E DEGLI IMPIANTI DI PROCESSO, Brescia, Italy, 22, 23 e 24 novembre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
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Kamali, Soroosh; Marzani, Alessandro; Sciullo, Luca; Di Felice, Marco; Augugliaro, Giuseppe; Mennuti, Canio, Temperature Compensation in Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring Using Neural Network Regression, in: 2023 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 36 - 42 (atti di: 2023 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), Bologna, Italy, 22/11/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Formentin S.M.; Dallavalle E.; Zanuttigh B., MODELLING WAVE OVERTOPPING AND WAVE IMPACTS BY MEANS OF IMAGE CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES, in: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2023, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2022, aus, 2022) [Abstract]
Formentin S.M.; Huerta J.C.A.; Zanuttigh B., MODELLING WAVE-STRUCTURE INTERACTION WITH A NEW COMPRESSIBLE TWO-PHASE FLOW SOLVER, in: Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2023, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2022, aus, 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access