Tleuken, Aidana; Karaca, Ferhat; Askar, Rand; Leindecker, Gerald; Kahraman, Ilker; Giarma, Christina; Camila Cervantes Puma, Genesis; Pineda-Martos, Rocío; Bolatkhanov, Iskander; Palermo, Michele; Arrè, Lidiana; Akbar Shah Syed, Ali; Ul Ahad, Inam; Dimevska Sofronievska, Liljana; Cvetkovska, Meri; Tavares &, Vanessa; Bragança, Luís, Circularity Criteria and Indicators at the Building Component and System Level, in: Circular Economy Design and Management in the Built Environment, 2024, pp. 335 - 370 (atti di: Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience, Timișoara, Romania, 29-31 maggio 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Reyhani, Milad; Santolini, Enrica; Michael, Ruby N.; Barbaresi, Alberto; Tassinari, Patrizia; Torreggiani, Daniele, Environmental assessment of green wall: A comparison between Australia and Italy, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2024, 957, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
Postorino, Maria Nadia; Sarnè, Giuseppe M. L., A Diachronic Agent-Based Framework to Model MaaS Programs, «URBAN SCIENCE», 2024, 8, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Jan, Ahmad; Ferrari, Lucia; Mikanovic, Nikola; Ben-Haha, Mohsen; Franzoni, Elisa, Chloride ingress and carbonation assessment of mortars prepared with recycled sand and calcined clay-based cement, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2024, 456, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tonni, L.; Marchi, M.; Bassi, A.; Rosso, A., A Sand Boil Database for Piping Risk Management in the Po River, Italy, «WATER», 2024, 16, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article] Open Access
Minarelli, L.; Fontana, D.; Lugli, S.; Rollins, K. M.; Stefani, M.; Tonni, L.; Amoroso, S., Sediment stacking pattern effect on sand liquefaction inferred from full-scale experiments in the Emilia alluvial plain (Italy), «ENGINEERING GEOLOGY», 2024, 341, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Balzano, Filippo; Tataranni, Piergiorgio; Tita, Enrico; Sangiorgi, Cesare, Ultra-thin sealing surface treatments for solar radiation screening on asphalt facing dams, «CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS», 2024, 21, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]
Donati, D; Guerra, C; Bonaga, G; Ghirotti, M; Stead, D; Borgatti, L, APPLICATION OF NUMERICAL METHODS FOR THE STUDY OF THE 2014 CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNED, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT», 2024, Special issue: Geological Hazards and Cultural Heritage: The 2014 San Leo Landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Its Implications, pp. 45 - 56 [Scientific article] Open Access
Landuzzi, A; Lucente, Cc; Borgatti, L; Pini, Ga, THE GEOLOGY OF THE SAN LEO CLIFF (NORTHERN APENNINES, ITALY), «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT», 2024, Special issue: Geological Hazards and Cultural Heritage: The 2014 San Leo Landslide (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Its Implications, pp. 5 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Magnini, A.; Lombardi, M.; Ouarda, T. B. M. J.; Castellarin, A., Ai-driven morphoclimatic regional frequency modelling of sub-daily rainfall-extremes, «JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY», 2024, 631, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferrari, L.; Bortolotti, V.; Mikanovic, N.; Ben-Haha, M.; Franzoni, E., Effect of Superplasticizer on Water Availability and Rheological Properties of Cement Paste Containing Calcined Clay, in: ACI Symposium Publication, 2024, 362, pp. 987 - 996 (atti di: 12th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete (ICCM 2024), Toulouse, France, June 23 to 26, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Di Tommaso, Marco R.; Prodi, Elena; Di Matteo, Dante; Barbieri, Elisa, Structural change and its discontents, «STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS», 2024, 72, pp. 438 - 455 [Scientific article]
Casertano, Daniele; Tinti, Francesco; Kasmaeeyazdi, Sara; Cellini, Vanessa; Bruno, Roberto, Drill and Blast in Gypsum Quarries: Optimization of Technical, Economic, and Safety Aspects in “Monte Tondo” Mid-mountain Case Study, «MINING, METALLURGY & EXPLORATION», 2024, N/A, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]
Borgatti, Lisa; Donati, Davide; Hu, Liwei; Landi, Germana; Zama, Fabiana, A Regularization Method for Landslide Thickness Estimation, «JOURNAL OF IMAGING», 2024, 10, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Viglione, Alberto; Cafiero, Luigi; Castellarin, Attilio; Claps, Pierluigi; Colombo, Andrea; De Michele, Carlo; Ganora, Daniele; Laio, Francesco; Martinengo, Marta; Mazzoglio, Paola; Spadoni, Alan; Valtancoli, Elena, Sintesi di modelli regionali di frequenza delle piene nel Distretto del Fiume Po, in: XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA2024 (Parma 15-18 settembre 2024, Atti), 2024, pp. 161 - 164 (atti di: XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA2024, Parma, 15-18 settembre 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Donati, Giacomo; Zonzini, Federica; Mariani, Stefano; Bogomolov, Denis; De Marchi, Luca, Deep Learning-Aided Acoustic Source Localization in Thin-Walled Waveguides, «RESEARCH AND REVIEW JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING», 2024, 2, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
Elkarmoty, Mohamed; Allam, Hussien E.; Helal, Khalid; Ahmed, Fathy; Bonduà, Stefano; Mourad, Sherif A., Georadar Survey and Simulation for Subsurface Investigation at Historical Mosque of Sorghatmesh, Cairo, Egypt, «BUILDINGS», 2024, 14, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cheraghi, Mitra; Bakhtiari, Alireza Riyahi; Memariani, Mahmoud; Mohammadi, Jahangard; Bonduà, Stefano, Investigating Oil Entrance from Hendijan Oil Field in the Northwest of the Persian Gulf Using Chemical Fingerprinting, «ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY», 2024, 1, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]
Borgatti, Lisa; Donati, Davide; Hu, Liwei; Landi, Germana; Zama, Fabiana, A regularisation approach to landslide thickness estimation, in: A regularisation approach to landslide thickness estimation, 2024, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Advanced Numerical Analysis for Imaging: from Theory to Industry, Napoli, June 19 - 21) [Abstract]
Borgatti, Lisa; Donati, Davide; Hu, Liwei; Landi, Germana; Zama, Fabianza, Development and application of an enhanced inversion algorithm for the reconstruction of the basal surface of landslides, in: Development and application of an enhanced inversion algorithm for the reconstruction of the basal surface of landslides, 2024, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet, Bari, Italy, September 2 - 5) [Abstract]