Enrico Sassoni; Elisa Franzoni, Influence of porosity on artificial deterioration of marble and limestone by heating, «APPLIED PHYSICS. A, MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING», 2014, 115, pp. 809 - 816 [Scientific article]
F. Tornabene; N. Fantuzzi; E. Viola; E. Carrera, Static Analysis of Doubly-Curved Anisotropic Shells and Panels Using CUF Approach, Differential Geometry and Differential Quadrature Method, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2014, 107, pp. 675 - 697 [Scientific article]
Silvia Bozzi;Renata Archetti;Giuseppe Passoni, Wave electricity production in Italian offshore: A preliminary investigation, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2014, 62, pp. 407 - 416 [Scientific article]
Dario Frascari;Giacomo Bucchi;Francesco Doria;Antonella Rosato;Nasrin Tavanaie;Raffaele Salviulo;Roberta Ciavarelli;Davide Pinelli;Serena Fraraccio;Giulio Zanaroli;Fabio Fava, Development of an attached-growth process for the on-site bioremediation of an aquifer polluted by chlorinated solvents, «BIODEGRADATION», 2014, 25, pp. 337 - 350 [Scientific article]
Colonna M. ; Berti C.; Fiorini M., Chemical modification of bisphenol a polycarbonate by reactive blending with ethylene carbonate, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE», 2014, 131, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
E. Franzoni; B. Pigino; A. Leemann; P. Lura, Use of TEOS for fired-clay bricks consolidation, «MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES», 2014, 47, pp. 1175 - 1184 [Scientific article]
E. Franzoni; S. Bandini; G. Graziani, Rising moisture, salts and electrokinetic effects in ancient masonries: From laboratory testing to on-site monitoring, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE», 2014, 15, pp. 112 - 120 [Scientific article]
S. de Miranda; A. Gutierrez; R. Miletta, Equilibrium-based reconstruction of three-dimensional stresses in GBT, «THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES», 2014, 74, pp. 146 - 154 [Scientific article]
Elena Ferretti, The Cell Method: a Purely Algebraic Computational Method in Physics and Engineering Science, New Jork, Momentum Press, 2014, pp. 244 . [Research monograph]
Antionio J.M. Ferreira; Erasmo Carrera; Maria Cinefra; Erasmo Viola; Francesco Tornabene; Nicholas Fantuzzi; A.M. Zenkour, Analysis of Thick Isotropic and Cross-Ply Laminated Plates by Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and a Unified Formulation, «COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING», 2014, 58, pp. 544 - 552 [Scientific article]
Galizia M.; De Angelis M.G.; Messori M.; Sarti G.C., Mass transport in hybrid PTMSP/Silica membranes, «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH», 2014, 53, pp. 9243 - 9255 [Scientific article]
B.M.S. Giambastiani;F. Tinti;D. Mendrinos;M. Mastrocicco, Energy performance strategies for the large scale introduction of geothermal energy in residential and industrial buildings: The GEO.POWER project, «ENERGY POLICY», 2014, 65, pp. 315 - 322 [Scientific article]
F. Tornabene; N. Fantuzzi, Mechanics of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures. The Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and the Strong Formulation Finite Element Method, Bologna, Esculapio, 2014, pp. 824 . [Research monograph]
Nicholas Fantuzzi; Francesco Tornabene; Erasmo Viola, Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method for Vibration Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Membranes, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES», 2014, 79, pp. 216 - 251 [Scientific article]
Alessandro De Rosis;Stefano Ubertini;Francesco Ubertini, A partitioned approach for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction problems by a coupled lattice Boltzmann-finite element method with immersed boundary, «JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES», 2014, 45, pp. 202 - 215 [Scientific article]
Montoliu I.; Scherer M.; Beguelin F.; Dasilva L.; Mari D.; Salvioli S.; Martin F.P.; Capri M.; Bucci L.; Ostan R.; Garagnani P.; Monti D.; Biagi E.; Brigidi P.; Kussmann M.; Rezzi S.; Franceschi C.; Collino S., Serum profiling of healthy aging identifies phospho- and sphingolipid species as markers of human longevity., «AGING», 2014, 6, pp. 9 - 25 [Scientific article]
N. Buratti;M. Tavano, Dynamic buckling and seismic fragility of anchored steel tanks by the added mass method, «EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS», 2014, 43, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]
Daniela Ciancio;Claudio Mazzotti;Nicola Buratti, Evaluation of fibre-reinforced concrete fracture energy through tests on notched round determinate panels with different diameters, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2014, 52, pp. 86 - 95 [Scientific article]
Franzoni E., Rising damp removal from historical masonries: A still open challenge, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2014, 54, pp. 123 - 136 [Scientific article]
Franzoni E.; Varum H.; Natali M.E.; Bignozzi M.C.; Melo J.; Rocha L; Pereira E., Improvement of historic reinforced concrete/mortars by impregnation and electrochemical methods, «CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES», 2014, 49, pp. 50 - 58 [Scientific article]