Zhao, Yixin; Cozzani, Valerio; Sun, Tianqi; Vatn, Jørn; Liu, Yiliu, Condition-based maintenance for a multi-component system subject to heterogeneous failure dependences, «RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY», 2023, 239, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Canestri, M.; Ferretti, F.; Sassoni, E.; Mazzotti, C., On the behaviour of FRCM fibres in saturated alkaline solution, in: F. Biondini, D.M. Frangopol, Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems, Abingdon, CRC Press/Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, pp. 2812 - 2819 (atti di: IALCCE 2023 - The Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Milano, 2-6 Luglio 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Schiaroli A.; Scarponi G.E.; Cozzani V., A Comparative Safety Assessment of Hydrogen Storage Tanks for Hydrogen-Powered Buses, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2023, 99, pp. 151 - 156 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mengucci C.; Rampelli S.; Picone G.; Lucchi A.; Litta G.; Biagi E.; Candela M.; Manfreda G.; Brigidi P.; Capozzi F.; De Cesare A., Application of multi-omic features clustering and pathway enrichment to clarify the impact of vitamin B2 supplementation on broiler caeca microbiome, «FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2023, 14, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Kakhki, Hossein Alaei; Evangelisti, Margherita; Maglionico, Marco; Di Federico, Vittorio, Simulation of Temperature Variations in Sewer Systems: Preliminary Results, in: Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, 2023, pp. 1557 - 1562 (atti di: 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, Wien, Austria, 21–25 August 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Farhad Zeighami, Leonardo Sandoval, Alberto Guadagnini, Vittorio Di Federico, Global sensitivity analysis of metabarriers for seismic surface wave attenuation using surrogate modeling, in: EMI 2023 IC Book of Abstracts, 2023, pp. 77 - 77 (atti di: Engineering Mechanics Institute international conference (EMI 2023), Palermo, 27-30 August 2023) [Abstract]
Guerrero, Massimo; Conevski, Slaven; Ruther, Nils; Di Federico, Vittorio, Turbulence Implications on Suspended Sediment Concentration Assessment by Using the ADCP, in: Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, 2023, pp. 2901 - 2910 (atti di: 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, Wien, Austria, 21–25 August 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Farahani, Sepideh Majdabadi; Lenci, Alessandro; Di Federico, Vittorio, Two-Layer Radial Gravity Currents Flow in Porous Media, in: Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, 2023, pp. 2157 - 2162 (atti di: 40th IAHR World Congress. Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts, Wien, Austria, 21–25 August 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Farhad Zeighami, Antonio Palermo, Denis Bogomolov, Alessandro Marzani, Experimental investigation of surface wave propagation in locally resonant metamaterials, in: EMI 2023 IC Book of Abstracts, 2023, pp. 285 - 285 (atti di: Engineering Mechanics Institute international conference (EMI 2023), Palermo, 27-30 August 2023) [Abstract]
Tamburini Federica; Bonvicini Sarah; Cozzani Valerio, Risk of Subsea Blowouts in Marine CCS, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2023, 99, pp. 265 - 270 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ciullo, A.; Domeneghetti, A.; Kwakkel, J.H.; De Bruijn, K.M.; Klijn, F.; Castellarin, A., Belief-Informed Robust Decision Making (BIRDM): Assessing changes in decision robustness due to changing distributions of deep uncertainties, «ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE», 2023, 159, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tarpanelli, Angelica; Bonaccorsi, Bianca; Sinagra, Marco; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Brocca, Luca; Barbetta, Silvia, Flooding in the Digital Twin Earth: The Case Study of the Enza River Levee Breach in December 2017, «WATER», 2023, 15, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Monteleone, Beatrice; Giusti, Riccardo; Magnini, Andrea; Arosio, Marcello; Domeneghetti, Alessio; Borzì, Iolanda; Petruccelli, Natasha; Castellarin, Attilio; Bonaccorso, Brunella; Martina, Mario L. V., Estimations of Crop Losses Due to Flood Using Multiple Sources of Information and Models: The Case Study of the Panaro River, «WATER», 2023, 15, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gao, Huanxiang; Liu, Junle; Lin, Pengfei; Hu, Gang; Patruno, Luca; Xiao, Yiqing; Tse, K.T.; Kwok, K.C.S., An optimal sensor placement scheme for wind flow and pressure field monitoring, «BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT», 2023, 244, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Bruno L.; Coste N.; Mannini C.; Mariotti A.; Patruno L.; Schito P.; Vairo G., Codes and standards on computational wind engineering for structural design: State of art and recent trends, «WIND AND STRUCTURES», 2023, 37, pp. 133 - 151 [Scientific article] Open Access
Russo, Sebastiano; Piana, Gianfranco; Patruno, Luca; Carpinteri, Alberto, Preliminary Flutter Stability Assessment of the Double-Deck George Washington Bridge, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2023, 13, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Li, Weilin; Patruno, L.; Niu, Huawei; An, Yonghui; Hua, Xugang, Experimental and Numerical Study on the Aerodynamic Admittance of Twin-Box Bridge Decks in Sinusoidal Gusts and Continuous Turbulence, «JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING», 2023, 28, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]
Xing, Jin; Patruno, Luca; de Miranda, Stefano; Pinardi, Stefano; Majowiecki, Massimo; Ubertini, Francesco, Early stages wind load assessment using Computational Fluid Dynamics: The new Bologna Stadium roof, «STRUCTURES», 2023, 47, pp. 1912 - 1926 [Scientific article] Open Access
Greco, Silvia; Maraldi, Mirko; Molari, Luisa, Grading bamboo through four-point bending tests. A report on six species of Italian bamboo, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2023, 404, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Alkhatib, Y. J.; Forte, A.; Bitelli, G.; Pierdicca, R.; Malinverni, E., Bringing Back Lost Heritage into Life by 3D Reconstruction in Metaverse and Virtual Environments: The Case Study of Palmyra, Syria, in: Extended Reality, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2023, pp. 91 - 106 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay] Open Access