Dallavalle E.; Cipolletta M.; Casson Moreno V.; Cozzani V.; Zanuttigh B., Towards green transition of touristic islands through hybrid renewable energy systems. A case study in Tenerife, Canary Islands, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2021, 174, pp. 426 - 443 [Scientific article] Open Access
Iaiani, M.; Casson Moreno, V.; Reniers, G.; Tugnoli, A.; Cozzani, V., Analysis of events involving the intentional release of hazardous substances from industrial facilities, «RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY», 2021, 212, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
Kasmaeeyazdi S.; Mandanici E.; Balomenos E.; Tinti F.; Bonduà Stefano; Bruno R., Mapping of aluminum concentration in bauxite mining residues using sentinel-2 imagery, «REMOTE SENSING», 2021, 13, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bruno, Roberto; Kasmaeeyazdi, Sara; Tinti, Francesco; Mandanici, Emanuele; Balomenos, Efthymios, Spatial Component Analysis to Improve Mineral Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Band Ratio: Application to a Greek Bauxite Residue, «MINERALS», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chiara Magrini; Giovanni Biagini; Francesca Bellaera; Leonardo Palumbo; Alessandra Bonoli, EVOLUTION OF THE URBAN WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGION, «DETRITUS», 2021, 15, pp. 152 - 166 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dal Pozzo A.; Muratori G.; Antonioni G.; Cozzani V., Economic and environmental benefits by improved process control strategies in HCl removal from waste-to-energy flue gas, «WASTE MANAGEMENT», 2021, 125, pp. 303 - 315 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lambert S.; Toe D.; Mentani A.; Bourrier F., A Meta-Model-Based Procedure for Quantifying the On-Site Efficiency of Rockfall Barriers, «ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING», 2021, 54, pp. 487 - 500 [Scientific article]
Ventini R.; Dodaro E.; Gragnano C.G.; Giretti D.; Pirone M., Experimental and numerical investigations of a river embankment model under transient seepage conditions, «GEOSCIENCES», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gallotti G.; Santo M.A.; Apostolidou I.; Alessandri J.; Armigliato A.; Basu B.; Debele S.; Domeneghetti A.; Gonzalez-Ollauri A.; Kumar P.; Mentzafou A.; Pilla F.; Pulvirenti B.; Ruggieri P.; Sahani J.; Salmivaara A.; Basu A.S.; Spyrou C.; Pinardi N.; Toth E.; Unguendoli S.; Pillai U.P.A.; Valentini A.; Varlas G.; Zaniboni F.; Di Sabatino S., On the management of nature-based solutions in open-air laboratories: New insights and future perspectives, «RESOURCES», 2021, 10, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bovo, Marco; Savoia, Marco; Praticò, Lucia, Seismic Performance Assessment of a Multistorey Building Designed with an Alternative Capacity Design Approach, «ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING», 2021, 2021, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guidotti G.; Soccio M.; Gazzano M.; Fusaro L.; Boccafoschi F.; Munari A.; Lotti N., New thermoplastic elastomer triblock copolymer of PLLA for cardiovascular tissue engineering: Annealing as efficient tool to tailor the solid-state properties, «POLYMER», 2021, 213, pp. 123336 - 123348 [Scientific article]
Ghione, A.; Prodi, E.; Di Tommaso, M. R., Structural Change and Industrialization Policy in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Agro-Industrial Parks Initiative, «L'INDUSTRIA», 2021, 42, pp. 63 - 93 [Scientific article]
Tataranni, Piergiorgio; Sangiorgi, Cesare, A Preliminary Laboratory Evaluation on the Use of Shredded Cigarette Filters as Stabilizing Fibers for Stone Mastic Asphalts, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
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De Pascale, Matilde; Faria, Monica; Boi, Cristiana; Semiao, Viriato; de Pinho, Maria Norberta, The effect of ultrafiltration transmembrane permeation on the flow field in a surrogate system of an artificial kidney, «EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS», 2021, 2, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ngo, C. N.; Di Tommaso, M. R.; Tassinari, M.; Dockerty, J. M., The Future of Work: Conceptual Considerations and a New Analytical Approach for the Political Economy, «REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2021, 34, pp. 735 - 765 [Scientific article] Open Access
Sisti, Laura; Celli, Annamaria; Totaro, Grazia; Cinelli, Patrizia; Signori, Francesca; Lazzeri, Andrea; Bikaki, Maria; Corvini, Philippe; Ferri, Maura; Tassoni, Annalisa; Navarini, Luciano, Monomers, Materials and Energy from Coffee By-Products: A Review, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2021, 13, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guatame-Garcia, Adriana; Buxton, Mike; Kasmaee, Sara; Tinti, Francesco; Horta Arduin, Rachel; Mas Fons, Aina; Bodenan, Francoise; Schick, Joachim, Challenges in the sampling and characterisation of mining residues for CRMs recovery, in: EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2021, Online, 30 Aprile 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mike Buxton, Adriana Guatame-Garcia, Francesco Tinti, Sara Kasmaeeyazdi, Best practices for characterising mine wastes towards a mineral recovery assessment: a concept, in: Sustainable Minerals '21, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Sustainable Minerals '21, Online, 24/06/2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
De Angelis M.; Mantecchini L.; Pietrantoni L., A cluster analysis of university commuters: Attitudes, personal norms and constraints, and travel satisfaction, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2021, 18, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access