Zhu Q; D'Agostino C; Moggridge G D, Adsorption and diffusion of pyridine on polymeric adsorbents from wastewater, in: 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry, 2015(atti di: 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry, York (UK), 20-23 July 2015) [Poster]
Zhu Q; D'Agostino C; Moggridge G D, A local composition model for prediction of mutual diffusion coefficients in binary liquid mixtures from tracer diffusion coefficients, in: Diffusion Fundamentals VI, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Diffusion Fundamentals VI, Dresden, Germany, 23/08/2015 - 26/08/2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D'Agostino C, Molecular diffusion in macro, meso and microporous materials: A tortuous tale of PFG-NMR, in: UK NMR Discussion group, 2015, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: UK NMR Discussion group, Birmingham, UK, 31/03/2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
McManus I; Daly H; Thompson J M; Connor E; Hardacre C; Wilkinson S K; Sedaie Bonab N; ten Dam J; Simmons M J H; Stitt E H; D'Agostino C; McGregor J; Gladden L F; Delgado J J, Effect of solvent on the hydrogenation of 4-phenyl-2-butanone over Pt based catalysts, «JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS», 2015, 330, pp. 344 - 353 [Scientific article]
McGregor J; Li R; Zeitler J A; D'Agostino C; Collins J H P; Mantle M D; Manyar H; Holbrey J D; Falkowska M; Youngs T G A; Hardacre C; Stitt E H; Gladden L F, Structure and dynamics of aqueous 2 propanol mixtures: a THz TDS, NMR and neutron diffraction study, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2015, 17, pp. 30481 - 30491 [Scientific article]
Zhu Q; Moggridge G D; D'Agostino C, A local composition model for the prediction of mutual diffusion coefficients in binary liquid mixtures from tracer diffusion coefficients, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2015, 132, pp. 250 - 258 [Scientific article]
D'Ambrosio C.; Lodi A.; Wiese S.; Bragalli C., Erratum: Mathematical programming techniques in water network optimization (European Journal of Operational Research (2015) 243 (774-788)), «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2015, 245, pp. 338 - 338 [Scientific article]
Philippe Ortega; Lucia Ferrari; Pascal Boustingorry; Laurent Bonafous, New Ways to Characterize and Control Thixotropy of Self Compacting Concrete with the use of Dedicated Superplasticizers, in: Master Builder Magazine, 2015, pp. 144 - 150 (atti di: Master Builder Magazine, Master Builder Magazine, February 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ferrari Lucia, Boustingorry, P., The Influence of Paste Thixotropy on the Formwork-Filling Properties of Concrete, in: 11th International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, 2015, pp. 449 - 462 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, Ottawa, 10-13 July 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ferrari, Lucia; Boustingorry, Pascal, Influence of superplasticizers on the flocculation degree of cement suspensions, in: 11th International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, «PUBLICATION SP», 2015, 2015-January, pp. 77 - 91 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete, Ottawa, 10-13 July 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lucia Ferrari; Pascal Boustingorry; Alexandre Pineaud; Laurent Bonafous, FROM CEMENT GROUT TO CONCRETE SCALE: A STUDY OF SUPERPLASTICIZER-DESIGN-CONTROLLED THIXOTROPY TO MATCH SCC APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, in: Proceedings of the 7th RILEM InternationalConference on Self-Compacting Concrete and of the 1st RILEM International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials, 2015, pp. 285 - 292 (atti di: Proceedings of the 7th RILEM International Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete and of the 1st RILEM International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials, Paris, 09/2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mariani, S.; Nguyen, T.V.; Zhu, X.; Lanza di Scalea, F.; Fateh, M., Non-contact ultrasonic guided wave inspection of rails: Field test results and updates, in: SENSORS AND SMART STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGIES FOR CIVIL, MECHANICAL, AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 2015, 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2015, 9435, pp. 1 - 14 (atti di: Conference on Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, San Diego, CA, USA, MAR 09-12, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
ZAMBON, ALESSANDRO; ZOSO, ALICE; GAGLIANO, ONELIA; MAGROFUOCO, ENRICO; FADINI, GIAN PAOLO; AVOGARO, ANGELO; FOLETTO, MIRTO; Quake, S; ELVASSORE, NICOLA, High temporal resolution detection of patient-specific glucose uptake from human ex vivo adipose tissue on-chip, «ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY», 2015, 87(13), pp. 6535 - 6543 [Scientific article]
DELLA GIUSTINA, GIOIA; ZAMBON, ALESSANDRO; LAMBERTI, FRANCESCO; ELVASSORE, NICOLA; BRUSATIN, GIOVANNA, Straightforward Micropatterning of Oligonucleotides in Microfluidics by Novel Spin-On ZrO2 Surfaces, «ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES», 2015, 7(24), pp. 13280 - 13288 [Scientific article]
Minelli M.; De Angelis M.G.; Giacinti Baschetti M.; Doghieri F.; Sarti G.C.; Ribeiro C.P.; Freeman B.D., Equation of state modeling of the solubility of CO2/C2H6 mixtures in cross-linked poly(ethylene oxide), «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH», 2015, 54, pp. 1142 - 1152 [Scientific article]
Ferraldeschi R.; Nava Rodrigues D.; Riisnaes R.; Miranda S.; Figueiredo I.; Rescigno P.; Ravi P.; Pezaro C.; Omlin A.; Lorente D.; Zafeiriou Z.; Mateo J.; Altavilla A.; Sideris S.; Bianchini D.; Grist E.; Thway K.; Perez Lopez R.; Tunariu N.; Parker C.; Dearnaley D.; Reid A.; Attard G.; De Bono J., PTEN protein loss and clinical outcome from castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with abiraterone acetate, «EUROPEAN UROLOGY», 2015, 67, pp. 795 - 802 [Scientific article]
Burcharth H.F.; Zanuttigh B.; Lykke Andersen T.; Lara J.L.; Jan Steendam G.; Ruol P.; Sergent P.; Ostrowski R.; Silva R.; Martinelli L.; Harck Nørgaard J.Q.; Mendoza E.; Simmonds D.; Ohle N.; Kappenberg J.; Pan S.; Nguyen D.K.; Toorman E.A.; Prinos P.; Hoggart S.; Chen Z.; Piotrowska D.; Pruszak Z.; Schönhofer J.; Skaja M.; Szmytkiewicz P.; Szmytkiewicz M.; Leont’yev I.; Angelelli E.; Raosa A.N.; Formentin S.M.; Smaoui H.; Bi Q.; Sothmann J.; Schuster D.; Li M.; Ge J.; Lendzion J.; Koftis T.; Kuznetsov S.; Puente A.; Echavarri B.; Medina R.; Díaz-Simal P.; Losada I.J.; Maza M.; Higuera P., Innovative engineering solutions and best practices to mitigate coastal risk, in: Coastal risk management in a changing climate, Amsterdam, Academic Press Elsevier, 2014, pp. 55 - 170 [Chapter or essay]
Barbarella, Maurizio; Gandolfi, Stefano, Il raffittimento nazionale della rete Europea EPN: analisi dei risultati ottenuti mediante approccio PPP, «NEWTON’S BULLETIN», 2014, 1, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
Domeneghetti, Alessio, Effects of minor drainage networks on flood hazard evaluation, in: Göttingen, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, Göttingen, Copernicus Publ., 2014, pp. 192 - 197 (PROCEEDINGS OF IAHS) [Chapter or essay]
Ceola, Serena; Pugliese, Alessio, Regional prediction of basin-scale brown trout habitat suitability, in: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Wallingford, IAHS Press, «IAHS PUBLICATION», 2014, 364, pp. 26 - 31 (atti di: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Bologna, 4-6 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]