Elisabetta Arioti; Gabriele Bitelli;Giorgia Gatta, Un GIS 3D ante litteram: analisi in ambiente digitale dell’organizzazione “per piani” del Catasto Gregoriano di Bologna (XIX secolo), «NEWTON’S BULLETIN», 2014, 6 maggio 2014, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Arioti E.; Bitelli G.; Gatta G., Comparison of two XVIII century technical maps of Bologna, one copied from the other., in: 9th International Workshop Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage, 2014, pp. 214 - 225 (atti di: 9th International Workshop Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage, Budapest, 4-5/9/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bitelli G.; Gatta G., Cartografia storica bolognese tra XVIII e XIX secolo. Digitalizzazione e georeferenziazione., in: Ritratti di città in un interno, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2014, pp. 101 - 109 [Chapter or essay]
Elena Ferretti, The Cell Method as a Case of Bialgebra, in: Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, Athens, WSEAS Press, 2014, pp. 322 - 331 (MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Francesco Tinti; Roberto Bruno; Daniel Caratti (a cura di): Andrea Claser, Francesco Tinti, Daniel Caratti, Feliksas Zinevicius, Vesna Marinkovic Vojvodic, Fabrizio Pacifici, Anastasia Stryzh, Adriy Kyrchiv, Marcello Antinucci, Roberto Bruno, Irina Plis, E4EM - Energy for Eastern Mayors. Good Practices Brochure (Moldovan version), Bologna, asterisco srl, 2014, pp. 52 . [Editorship]
Nicholas Fantuzzi; Francesco Tornabene; Erasmo Viola, Multi-Layered Structures of Arbitrary Shape via Generalized Differential Quadrature Finite Element Method, in: 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2014), Stony Brook (USA), A.J.M. Ferreira, 2014, -, pp. 120 - 120 (atti di: 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2014), Stony Brook (USA), 8-12 June 2014) [Abstract]
Nicholas Fantuzzi; Francesco Tornabene; Erasmo Viola, Dynamic and Static Behavior of Arbitrarily Shaped Laminated Composite Plates via Strong Formulation Finite Element Method, in: The 22nd International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-22), Malta, D. Hui, 2014, -, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: The 22st International Annual International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering (ICCE22), Malta, 13-19 July 2014) [Abstract]
Francesco Tornabene; Nicholas Fantuzzi; Michele Bacciocchi, The Strong Formulation Finite Element Method: Stability and Accuracy, in: XX° Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale - VII Riunione del Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (GIMC-GMA2014), Cassino, E. Sacco, S. Marfia, 2014, -, pp. 12 - 12 (atti di: XX° Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale - VII Riunione del Gruppo Materiali AIMETA (GIMC-GMA2014), Cassino (Italy), 11-13 June 2014) [Abstract]
Erasmo Viola; Francesco Tornabene; Nicholas Fantuzzi, Stress and Strain Recovery of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shells and Panels Using Higher-Order Formulations, in: Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials, Bologna, A. Di Tommaso, C. Gentilini, G. Castellazzi, 2014, -, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials - Modeling, Testing, Design, Control (MuRiCo4), Ravenna (Italy), 9-11 September 2014) [Abstract]
Nanni Costa F.P.; Barilli T.; Mantecchini L., Trasporto aereo ed emissioni climalteranti: una proposta di metodologia per la stima della carbon footprint di un aeroporto, «INARCOS», 2014, 738, pp. 50 - 63 [Scientific article]
Gualandi N.; Serrau D.; Mantecchini L.; Chiti R., Sistema di certificazione leed e valutazioni sull'applicazione ai terminal aeroportuali: il caso del nuovo molo partenze dell'aeroporto di Bologna, «INARCOS», 2014, 738, pp. 79 - 83 [Scientific article]
Günter Blöschl;András Bárdossy;Demetris Koutsoyiannis;Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz;Ian Littlewood;Alberto Montanari;Hubert Savenije, On the future of journal publications in hydrology, «HYDROLOGY RESEARCH», 2014, 45, pp. 515 - 518 [Scientific article]
Alberto Montanari;Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Reply to comment by Grey Nearing on “A blueprint for process-based modeling of uncertain hydrological systems”, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2014, 50, pp. 6264 - 6268 [Comment or similar]
Nicholas Fantuzzi, New Insights into the Strong Formulation Finite Element Method for Solving Elastostatic and Elastodynamic Problems, «CURVED AND LAYERED STRUCTURES», 2014, 1, pp. 93 - 126 [Scientific article]
Formentin S. M.; Zanuttigh B.; Van der Meer J. W.; Lara J. L., OVERTOPPING FLOW CHARACTERISTICS AT EMERGED AND OVER-WASHED DIKES, in: Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2014, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: ICCE 2014, Seoul, Luglio 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Valerio Cozzani;Giacomo Antonioni;Gabriele Landucci;Alessandro Tugnoli;Sarah Bonvicini;Gigliola Spadoni, Quantitative assessment of domino and NaTech scenarios in complex industrial areas, «JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES», 2014, 28, pp. 10 - 22 [Scientific article]
Giacomo Antonioni;Daniele Guglielmi;Valerio Cozzani;Carlo Stramigioli;Davide Corrente, Modelling and simulation of an existing MSWI flue gas two-stage dry treatment, «PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION», 2014, 92, pp. 242 - 250 [Scientific article]
Lucia Basile; Alessandro Tugnoli; Carlo Stramigioli; Valerio Cozzani, Influence of pressure on the heat of biomass pyrolysis, «FUEL», 2014, 137, pp. 277 - 284 [Scientific article]
Arianna D'Aulisa; Alessandro Tugnoli; Valerio Cozzani; Gabriele Landucci; Albrecht Michael Birk, CFD modeling of LPG vessels under fire exposure conditions, «AICHE JOURNAL», 2014, 60, pp. 4292 - 4305 [Scientific article]
Alessandro Tugnoli; Gianfilippo Gubinelli; Gabriele Landucci; Valerio Cozzani, Assessment of fragment projection hazard: Probability distributions for the initial direction of fragments, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2014, 279, pp. 418 - 427 [Scientific article]