Biotechnological and chemical processes for circular economy and for the remediation and valorisation of polluted soils, sediments and waters


Includes research activities in the fields of biotechnologies, chemical engineering and fluid dynamics, addressed to both industrial and environmental applications.

The research activities carried out in the framework of industrial biotechnologies concern mainly the development, optimization and simulation of processes for the production and recovery of new biomolecules, biopolymers and biofuels from agro-industrial and/or polluted organic residues, possibly by using microorganisms selected from non-conventional habitats; the activities related to environmental biotechnologies include degradation/valorization of conventional plastics and microplastics, biological treatments of contaminated matrices, wastewater treatment and valorization and plant management.

Researches of applied fluid dynamics and mixing integrate the development of studied biotechnological processes.


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Elena Biagi

Associate Professor

keywords: microbial ecology, environmental microbial communities, microbiome circulation in foodchains, bioremediation
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Fabio Fava

Full Professor

keywords: Biotech production of flavors, Biotech production of biochemicals and biofuels, Bioremediation of contaminated soils
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Dario Frascari

Associate Professor

keywords: Bioproduction, Biofuel production, Wastewater treatment, Biomethane and biohydrogen, Process simulation and
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Gonzalo Agustin Martinez

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Agro-industrial by-product valorisation, Grape pomace, Fruit and vegetable by-products, Organic fraction of municipal
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Davide Pinelli

Associate Professor

keywords: Bioremediation of ground and waste water, Production of organic compounds from organic industrial wates, Production of

Noura Raddadi

Associate Professor

keywords: non-conventional habitats, extremozymes, valorization of agrofood industry byproducts and wastes, environmental
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Giordano Emrys Scarponi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: CFD modeling, Fire Testing, Process Safety, fire safety engineering, QRA, Natech
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Giulio Zanaroli

Associate Professor

keywords: Persistent organic pollutants, Organohalide pollutants, Pharmaceutical micropollutiants, Biodegradation,