San Leo - Alberto Landuzzi Ph

Geotechnical engineering and engineering geology

Physical and mechanical modelling of soils and rocks for civil and environmental engineering, under static and seismic loading; assessment of hydrogeological risk and analysis of mitigation interventions.

Geotechnical engineering deals with physical and mechanical characterization of soils and rocks and with relevant modelling of their behaviour, aimed at the analysis and design of civil and infrastructural works.

Engineering geology examines the stratigraphic, tectonic, geomorphological and hydrogeological characters of the territory, in order to identify the resources, the risks and the impacts related to the design of engineering works.

The related research activities at DICAM focus on:

  • the definition of the interplay between tectonics and sedimentation at a
    regional scale
  • the hydrogeological risk characterization, assessment and mitigation
  • the stability analysis of river embankments, the advanced geotechnical characterization of natural soils by in situ testing
  • the behaviour of historic foundations and of offshore foundation systems.


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Angelo Ballaera

PhD Student

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Ilaria Bertolini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: root water uptake of high-stem plants, Geoetchnical engineering, hydrogeological risk, unsaturated soil mechanics,

Gilberto Bonaga

Assistant professor

keywords: Carstic water sources, EGS, LANDSLIDES, Subsidence, SUBMERGED CAVES, WATER WELL
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Lisa Borgatti

Full Professor

keywords: Geo-hydrological risk mitigation, Reference geological model, Climate changes
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Elena Dodaro

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

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Davide Donati

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Slope stability, Remote sensing, Numerical modelling, Rock mechanics
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Guido Gottardi

Full Professor

keywords: Geotechnical modelling, Shallow foundations, River embankments, Slope stability, Protection of ancient towers and
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Laura Govoni

Associate Professor

keywords: Shallow foundations, Offshore geotechnics
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Alberto Landuzzi

Associate Professor

keywords: large dormant landslides, Northern Apennines, active tectonics, syn-sedimentary tectonics, rock-falls, ground collapse,
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Michela Marchi

Associate Professor

keywords: River banks, Shallow foundations, Fracture grouting, Piles, Clay, Erosion, Paleosols, Field investigations
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Alessio Mentani

Associate Professor

keywords: Offshore anchor foundations, Floating Wind Turbines, Numerical modelling of rockfall barriers, Metamodelling, Spatial
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Giada Orlando

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

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K Marvie Reed

Research fellow

keywords: Quarry optimization, optimization algorithms, dimension stone, ornamental stone, SlabCutOpt, ground penetrating radar
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Giacomo Titti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Landslide risk assessment, Numerical modelling, Geo-information technology
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Laura Tonni

Full Professor

keywords: River embankment stability, Underseepage and piping, Silts and silty sands, Geotechnical site investigations, Soil
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Emanuele Tumedei

Research fellow