Industrial safety & environmental sustainability

Development of methods, models and tools for safety and sustainability assessment of critical systems and industrial faciilties, and of sustainable innovative processes and technologies


The research activities are aimed at the development of innovative methods, models and tools for safety assessment, quantitative risk analysis and integrated safety and environmental sustainability assessment of industrial processes and of critical systems. The activities encompass experimental investigations, theoretical modeling and support to the development and to the advancement of innovative and sustainable industrial technologies.

The following research fields refer to the area:

  • Industrial Safety,
  • Environmental Technologies and Sustainability


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Giacomo Antonioni

Associate Professor

keywords: Surface Water Environmental Impact, Process simulation, Wastewater and flue gas treatment modeling, Environmental Risk
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Sarah Bonvicini

Assistant professor

keywords: risk analysis, risk of environmental contamination, safety in the process industry, major accident hazard, hazardous
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Giulia Collina

PhD Student

keywords: Hydrogen, Hydrogen Safety, Glass Industry Decarbonisation, Risk-Based Maintenance, Electrolyser Safety Analysis
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Valerio Cozzani

Full Professor

keywords: Safety and security of industrial sites, Inherent safety and inherently safe design, Safety and sustanability in
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Letizia Crociati

PhD Student

keywords: Environmental sustainability, Particleboards, Honeycomb panels, Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, Sustainable and innovative
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Matteo Curcio

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: CCUS, Process simulation
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Alessandro Dal Pozzo

Associate Professor

keywords: Waste-to-energy, Flue gas treatment, Environmental sustainability, Gas-solid reactions, Life cycle assessment,
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Matteo Iaiani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Cybersecurity, Physical security, Security Vulnerability Assessment, Security Risk Assessment, Resilience, Security
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Ezio Mesini

Full Professor

keywords: petroleum engineering, anthropogenic subsidence, petrophysics, formation evaluation, Reservoir engineering, drilling
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Davide Pinelli

Associate Professor

keywords: Bioremediation of ground and waste water, Production of organic compounds from organic industrial wates, Production of
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Gianmaria Pio

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Safety in chemical industries, Hydrogen production and transportation, Kinetic modeling, Sustainability analysis

Luca Pozza

Associate Professor

keywords: Xlam, timber structure, connections, energetic dissipation and ductility, q ductility factor
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K Marvie Reed

Research fellow

keywords: Quarry optimization, optimization algorithms, dimension stone, ornamental stone, SlabCutOpt, ground penetrating radar
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Federica Ricci

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Safety of chemical and process sites, Industrial risk, External hazard factors in industrial installations and
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Andrea Saccani

Associate Professor

keywords: composite microstructure and mechanical properties, Degradation of composites based on polymeric matrix, agro waste
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Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

keywords: Deflagration and detonation, Chemical Kinetics, Process Safety, Kinetic of partial oxidation, Hydrogen, Cryogenic
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Giordano Emrys Scarponi

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: CFD modeling, Fire Testing, Process Safety, fire safety engineering, QRA, Natech
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Alice Schiaroli

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Hydrogen, Liquid hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, Storage tanks, Consequence analysis, CFD
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Federica Tamburini

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Carbon Capture and Storage, Liquid hydrogen, Industrial safety, Consequence analysis, Quantitative Risk Assessment,
keywords: Environmental assessment of industrial processes and products, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable development
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Alessandro Tugnoli

Associate Professor

keywords: inherent safety, chemical plant, land use planning, process and plant design, fireproofing, process safety, resilience,
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Francesco Zanobetti

Research fellow

keywords: Inherent safety, Safety and sustainability in process design, Decarbonization technologies, Carbon capture, utilization