Materials chemistry

Preparation of new materials or materials with specific properties and to understanding the correlations existing between chemical structure and final properties.

The Macromolecular Chemistry Research group conducts activities in the framework of polymer science. Main works concern:

  1. the synthesis and the dispersion in polymer matrices of inorganic fillers;
  2. the study of advanced polymeric materials for sport equipment, in particular for winter sports;
  3. biomedical engineering aspects (i.e.: tissue engineering, controlled drug release and polymers with antibacterial properties);
  4. the exploitation of biomass and agro-food wastes for the preparation of bifunctional monomers and the synthesis and characterization of novel bio-based polymers and copolymers;
  5. the investigation of polymer crystallization processes.


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Annamaria Celli

Full Professor

keywords: bio-based biopolymers, thermal and mechanical characterization, nanocomposites, polymeric composites with vegetal

Carmine D'Agostino

Associate Professor

keywords: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), porous materials, diffusion, surface science, catalysis

Giovanni Donini

Borsista di Ricerca

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Fabio Fava

Full Professor

keywords: Biotech production of flavors, Biotech production of biochemicals and biofuels, Bioremediation of contaminated soils
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Lucia Ferrari

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: porosity, rheology, materials durability, material science, thermal characterisation (TGA and DSC)
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Maurizio Fiorini

Associate Professor

keywords: Raman microscopy, Polymer recyclinf, Additive manufacturing, Microplastics analysis in food, Polymer rheology

Giacomo Foli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Materials Chemistry, 2D Materials, Membrane Separation
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Giulia Guidotti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Polymers, Synthesis, Molecular characterization, Thermal characterization, Mechanical characterization, Degradation
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Nadia Lotti

Full Professor

keywords: Biodegradation, Polyesters, Polymer synthesis, Crystallization kinetics, Polymer characterization, Biobased polymers,

Carmen Minichiello

Research fellow

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Davide Morselli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Polymer-Based Nanocomposites, Metal and Oxide Nanoparticles, In situ synthesis of nanoparticles in polymeric matrices,
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Riccardo Onesti

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

keywords: Liquid Chromatography, Membranes, Materials for surgical face masks, ventilation systems, 3D printing
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Andrea Saccani

Associate Professor

keywords: composite microstructure and mechanical properties, Degradation of composites based on polymeric matrix, agro waste
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Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

keywords: Deflagration and detonation, Chemical Kinetics, Process Safety, Kinetic of partial oxidation, Hydrogen, Cryogenic
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Laura Sisti

Associate Professor

keywords: Polymeric materials, Layered double hydroxides, Biopolymers, Natural fibers, Composites and nanocomposites,
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Michelina Soccio

Associate Professor

keywords: Polyesters, Novel S-S containing polyesters, Polymers synthesis, Copolymerization, Solid state properties in polymers,
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Micaela Vannini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: synthesis, polyesters, polyamides, NMR characterization, renewable sources, barrier properties, biocomposites, waste