Materials science and technology


Development of innovative materials for civil and industrial engineering, biomedical field and Cultural Heritage. Sustainability, durability and protection of materials, also from renewable resources.

1) In the field of civil engineering and architecture, the group works on:

  • mix-design and characterization of sustainable materials, combining high durability with the use of waste and renewable resources;
  • exploitation of alkali activated materials (AAM) obtained from calcium-alumino-silicates precursors;
  • development of new materials and technologies for conservation of cultural heritage;

2) In the industrial sector:

  • studies on the behaviour of metals and insulating materials;
  • polymer and composite materials for advanced applications, and related processing technologies;
  • biopolymers, bioadditives and bioplastics from renewable resources, and their formulation for industrial use.

3) In the biomedical field:

  • biocompatible and bioactive polymers and ceramics for applications in tissue engineering


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Kussai Alrini

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Pavement, Bitumen, Alternative Binders, Sustainability, HMA
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Maria Bignozzi

Full Professor

keywords: durability, alkali activated materials, corrosion protection systems, waste, recycling, sustainable building materials,
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Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

keywords: Raw material processing, Sustainability and SDGs, Circular Economy and Urban Mining, Life Cycle Thinking and LCA, Green
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Giovanni Castellazzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Finite Element Method, Masonry structures, Computational Mechanics, Eco-Sustainable Materials, Structural Health
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Luca Cocchi

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Restore, Consolidation, Cultural Heritage, Ammonium phosphate, HAP, DAP, Marble, Carbonatic Stones, Materials Sience
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Letizia Crociati

PhD Student

keywords: Environmental sustainability, Particleboards, Honeycomb panels, Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, Sustainable and innovative

Giovanni Donini

Borsista di Ricerca

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Hanane Es-Sebyty

PhD Student

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Paola Fabbri

Associate Professor

keywords: polymers; plastics; composites; bioplastics.
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Nicholas Fantuzzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Mechanics of solids and structures, Structural theories of plates, Composite materials, Fracture mechanics, Numerical
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Lucia Ferrari

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: porosity, rheology, materials durability, material science, thermal characterisation (TGA and DSC)
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Elena Ferretti

Associate Professor

keywords: Cells Method, Fracture Mechanics, Nonlocal Approaches, Concrete, Viscosity, Effective laws, Masonry, Mesh generators,
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Francesca Ferretti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Masonry, Shear behavior of masonry structures, Techniques for the seismic retrofit of existing buildings, Fiber
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Martina Ferri

Teaching tutor

keywords: polymers, biopolymers, polyhydroxyalkanoates, chitosan, tannins, smart materials, multifunctional materials, biobased
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Maurizio Fiorini

Associate Professor

keywords: Raman microscopy, Polymer recyclinf, Additive manufacturing, Microplastics analysis in food, Polymer rheology
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Elisa Franzoni

Full Professor

keywords: sustainable building materials, rising damp and salts, building materials' deterioration mechanisms, diagnostics,
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Alberto Fregni

Assistant professor

keywords: Functionalised surfaces, Photocatalysis, Construction materials, Durability of materials, Building restoration
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Silvia Greco

PhD Student

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Giulia Guidotti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Polymers, Synthesis, Molecular characterization, Thermal characterization, Mechanical characterization, Degradation
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Vittoria Laghi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Structural design, Earthquake Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Computational design, Structural optimization
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Nadia Lotti

Full Professor

keywords: Biodegradation, Polyesters, Polymer synthesis, Crystallization kinetics, Polymer characterization, Biobased polymers,
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Stefania Manzi

Associate Professor

keywords: sustainable composite materials, recycled aggregate concrete, geopolymer, construction and demolition waste, sulfur
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Giulia Masi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Alkali activated materials, Ceramics, Construction Materials, Corrosion, Cultural Heritage, Durability
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Claudio Mazzotti

Full Professor

keywords: self-compacting concrete, precast systems, composites materials, dynamic identification, fiber reinforced concrete,

Carmen Minichiello

Research fellow

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Luisa Molari

Associate Professor

keywords: Biomaterial for buildings, straw bale, bamboo, salt crystallization, damage mechanics, curved beams, phase field model,
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Davide Morselli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Polymer-Based Nanocomposites, Metal and Oxide Nanoparticles, In situ synthesis of nanoparticles in polymeric matrices,
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Rita Porcaro

PhD Student

keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Polymers, Sustainable manufacturing

Luca Pozza

Associate Professor

keywords: Xlam, timber structure, connections, energetic dissipation and ductility, q ductility factor
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Andrea Saccani

Associate Professor

keywords: composite microstructure and mechanical properties, Degradation of composites based on polymeric matrix, agro waste
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Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

keywords: Deflagration and detonation, Chemical Kinetics, Process Safety, Kinetic of partial oxidation, Hydrogen, Cryogenic
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Enrico Sassoni

Associate Professor

keywords: Cultural heritage, Natural stones, Marble, Hydroxyapatite, Masonry, Sustainable materials, Decay, Durability,
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Michelina Soccio

Associate Professor

keywords: Polyesters, Novel S-S containing polyesters, Polymers synthesis, Copolymerization, Solid state properties in polymers,
keywords: Environmental assessment of industrial processes and products, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable development