Transportation systems and infrastructures

Structural and functional design of transportation infrastructures and their planning and management in the territory.

In the field of materials and technologies for transportation infrastructures, the Pavement Engineering Group focuses on innovative solutions that exploit recycled and low environmental impact materials in a circular economy perspective.

The Safety, railways and airports group operates in the fields of safety in urban areas for sustainable transport modes and the analysis of the driver-road-environment interaction by means of the mobile eye-tracker.

The Transport group develops methods and models for analysing transport systems with a holistic approach in the perspective of sustainability. Among the research activities: mobility and its effects, including network vulnerability and resilience; cyclist/pedestrian choice behaviours; transit systems and shared mobility; simulation of airport processes and impacts; road accident reconstruction.


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Kussai Alrini

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Pavement, Bitumen, Alternative Binders, Sustainability, HMA
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Filippo Balzano

PhD Student

keywords: Slurry seal, Microsurfacing, Texture, Asphalt concretes, Close-Range Photogrammetry, Polymer Modified Bitumen
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Giacomo Bernieri

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Marco Bruno

PhD Student

keywords: RAP, Recycled materials for roads infrastructures, CCAM, CAM, SmartRoads, Road Safety, Grip Performance
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Leonardo Cameli

Research fellow

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Riccardo Ceriani

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)

Giulio Dondi

Full Professor

keywords: Road Pavements, Road safety barrier, Road traffic vibration, Distinct Element Method DEM, Road Safety, Retaining walls
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Zhenlong Gong

PhD Student

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Claudio Lantieri

Associate Professor

keywords: Road safety, Road pavements, Human Factors, Pavement Maintenance, Road Materials, Sustainable mobility
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Luca Mantecchini

Associate Professor

keywords: Transport network vulnerability and resilience, Air transport, Urban transport systems environmental and operational
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Alfonso Micucci

Assistant professor

keywords: road accident reconstruction and prevention, Multi-body
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Ngoc An Nguyen

PhD Student

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Filippo Paganelli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: maritime transport, freight transport simulation models, transport system engineering, multimodal tranport, performance
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Sofia Palese

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: smatr city, smart mobility, roadworks, road signs and markers, risk assesment, drivers' behaviour, drivers' workload,
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Margherita Pazzini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Urban Air Mobility, Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM), Transport systems, Performances and
keywords: last-mile logistics; cargo bikes; environmental sustainability
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Federico Rupi

Associate Professor

keywords: Urban Sustainable Mobility, Transport Systems Planning, Cyclists' networks, cyclists' route choice model, cyclists'
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Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

keywords: Deflagration and detonation, Chemical Kinetics, Process Safety, Kinetic of partial oxidation, Hydrogen, Cryogenic
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Cesare Sangiorgi

Full Professor

keywords: Asphalt Concretes, Recycling, Alternative binders, Sealants and patch asphalts, Bearing capacity, Intelligent
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Joerg Schweizer

Assistant professor

keywords: GRT, Group rapid transport, Soft modes, Sustainable transport, bicycles, PRT, Innovative transport, Personal Rapid
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Andrea Simone

Full Professor

keywords: road safety, road-user interaction, pavements, railway, recycling, resilient infrastructure
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Piergiorgio Tataranni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Asphalt Concrete, Materials for road pavements, Recycling and waste materials for applications in civil infrastructures
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Valeria Vignali

Associate Professor

keywords: Road safety, Road traffic-induced vibrations, Retaining walls, Motorcyclists, Road pavements, Distinct particle element