Petroleum Engineering and Fluid Flow in Porous Media

Ingegneria dei giacimenti di idrocarburi e dei serbatori geotermici, Risonanza Magnetica Nucleare, Simulazione numerica, Flusso in mezzi porosi, Problemi di inversione, Analisi di carote, Analisi NMR non distruttive, Ingegneria della perforazione e della produzione di idrocarburi, Subsidenza antropica, Sicurezza operazioni Offshore, Monitoraggio ambientale.


Numerical modeling and simulation of petroleum and geothermal reservoirs (low and high enthalpy); groundwater engineering.

Analysis, development and experimentation in the field of nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MR) techniques, including imaging, for the study of the structure and transport properties of porous media, with particular reference to the field of reservoir engineering, groundwater engineering, and geothermal reservoirs. The comparison of the MR results with those of the simulations allows to improve the evaluation of models validity and fluid flow processes, as well as to evaluate characteristics and petrophysical properties of porous media.

MR characterization of cement pastes. Development of interpretative models and quasi-linear inversion algorithms for MR data.

Reservoir rocks wettability studies applied to EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) through artificial wettability reversal (chemical flood).

Capture and geological storage of CO2 produced by industrial plants (CCS, Carbon Capture and Storage). Evaluation of the storage potential in deep saline aquifers also through numerical simulations.

Studies of anthropogenic subsidence phenomena due to underground water withdrawal and/or hydrocarbons production. Numerical modeling and analysis of compaction measurements with radioactive markers, extensometers or lab tests on cores.

Environmental and regulatory issues of Oil and Gas exploration and production activities, with particular reference to Italian fields (onshore and offshore).

Environmental monitoring and safety issues of offshore drilling, production and decommissioning activities.


  • Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
  • RSE S.p.A. (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico)
  • Regione Lombardia
  • Regione Emilia-Romagna
  • ENI Divisione Exploration & Production, Milano
  • ENI Divisione Refining & Marketing, Milano
  • Saipem, SpA
  • Edison S.p.A - Milano
  • NURC (Nato Undersea Research Center), La Spezia
  • Esaote Spa, Genova
  • A2A Energia S.p.A.
  • Stelar, Srl, Mede (PV)
  • C.I.F.I.R. - Consorzio Industriale Formazione e Innovazione Rovigo S.c.a.r.l.
  • ExtraByte, Castano Primo (MI)
  • LBLN, Berkeley, CA, US
  • University of Manchester, UK

Faculty Members

Villiam Bortolotti

Full Professor

Paolo Macini

Associate Professor

Ezio Mesini

Full Professor

Research assistants and PhD students