
Mapping event (crowdmapping)

  • Date: 18 November 2022 from 14:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Room 2.7A, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna

As in previous years, the DICAM Geomatics area will host the autumn edition of the Mapathon@UniBo on 18 NOVEMBER 2022.
This is a participatory mapping event (crowdmapping) that takes place as part of the international initiative "Open Street Map Geography Awareness Week".

The activity - in English - will primarily involve students from the "Geomatics for Urban and Regional Analysis" and "Applied Geomatics" courses but is open to anyone interested, students and non-students. No previous experience is required.
During the session, the OpenStreetMap project (OSM) will be introduced and participants will be shown how to take the first steps in contributing to it. OpenStreetMap is a free map of the whole world, constantly created and edited by millions of volunteers from all over the world with a crowdmapping process, which can provide a basic cartography for areas of the world that do not have one; its availability is essential to support emergency operations in the event of disasters and for many humanitarian projects, also linked to the effects of Climate Change.

The mapping actions are carried out on the basis of high resolution satellite images accessible via the Internet.

The event is coordinated by Gabriele Bitelli, with the collaboration of Alessandro Lambertini, Emanuele Mandanici, Arianna Pagliarani, Francesca Trevisiol; in the same week similar initiatives are carried out in numerous universities and research centers around the world.

NOTE: to actively participate in the initiative, the use of your laptop is required and an external mouse is strongly recommended.

It is advisable, although not mandatory, to register at: