Geoengineering and natural resources

Scientific activities in the fields of safety engineering and civil protection, raw and secondary materials engineering, petroleum engineering and fluid mechanics in porous media.

The research activities in the field of safety engineering and civil protection deal with health and safety, civil protection, risk analysis of construction sites in civil and mining industry, modeling, design, safety, control and environmental restoration of civil and mining sites, geostatistical modelling and study of advanced excavation techniques.

In the field of raw materials, focal points are the valorization of primary and secondary resources, including urban and industrial waste, as well as technologies aimed to the production of raw material and secondary materials from recycling processes.

As for hydrocarbons, groundwater and geothermal resources, research activities are addressed to the field of exploration and production (including safety and environmental issues), mono- and multi-phase flow in porous media, pollutant transport, protection of underground fluid resources and environmental remediation.


Gilberto Bonaga

Assistant professor

keywords: Carstic water sources, EGS, LANDSLIDES, Subsidence, SUBMERGED CAVES, WATER WELL
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Stefano Bonduà

Associate Professor

keywords: geotherm, rocks, geostatistics, exavation, safety, TOUGH2, GPR, Fracture detection, image analysis, pathlines,
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Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

keywords: Raw material processing, Sustainability and SDGs, Circular Economy and Urban Mining, Life Cycle Thinking and LCA, Green
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Villiam Bortolotti

Full Professor

keywords: Geothermal reservoirs simulation, Magnetic resonance imaging, Characterization Porous Media, Nuclear Magnetic
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Sara Kasmaeeyazdi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: geostatistics, raw materials, critical raw materials, mining wastes, environmental applications, geological modelling,
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Paolo Macini

Associate Professor

keywords: Anthropogenic subsidence, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, Energy and Environmental Ethics, HSSE and upstream
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Ezio Mesini

Full Professor

keywords: petroleum engineering, anthropogenic subsidence, petrophysics, formation evaluation, Reservoir engineering, drilling
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K Marvie Reed

Research fellow

keywords: Quarry optimization, optimization algorithms, dimension stone, ornamental stone, SlabCutOpt, ground penetrating radar
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Francesco Tinti

Associate Professor

keywords: Georesources Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geothermal energy, Geostatistics
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Irfan Ullah

PhD Student