Organizational structure and organizational chart

Managers, description of the organizational units, specialized staff, human resources management.

The organizational structure of the Department is schematically described in the following organizational chart: 

Organizational chart


Head of the department: Prof. Valerio Cozzani

Vice-head of the department: Prof. Lisa Borgatti

Safety manager: Dr. Andrea Toschi

Local waste managers: Mr. Ettore Cappellari (headquarter in V.le Risorgimento) and Dr. Nicoletta Dolci (headquarter in Via Terracini)

Managers with specialist functions: Eng. Maria Alessandra Tini ("Specialist in surveying and digital processing of geomatic data") and Dr. Paola Marchese ("Expert/specialist in the synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials")

Administration manager: Dr. Gabriella Bernardi

Management coordinator of the laboratories: Mr. Roberto Carli

Manager of the purchasing office: Dr. Marilena Moscatiello

Manager of the office for contracts and budget management: Dr. Chimena Palmieri

Technical manager of the "LISG - LAGIRN - LASTM - LAS" laboratory unit:  Eng. Barbara Ravaglia

Technical manager of the "LARIG - LAMC - LIDR - LAMAC - LABIOTEC - LABIC - LART - LADS" laboratory unit: Dr. Lorella Guadagnini

Staff under the responsibility of the administration manager: 

Vilma Basile, Silvia Cei, Laura Camilla De Lellis, Eleonora Di Cintio, Ida Giudice, Federico Iannello, Tiziana Nanni, Lucia Natalicchio, Donata Pagliuca, Virginio Pilò, Beatrice Turci, Manuela Zamboni.

Staff under the responsibility of the manager of the purchasing office:

Massimo Manini, Sabrina Noviello, Paola Peri.

Staff under the responsibility of the manager of the office for contracts and budget management:

Annunziata Addio, Cristina Cecchi, Alina Geanina Serban,  Antonio Ragazzi, Piera Taras.