
Modeling, design and testing of structures and materials

Structure related research activities concern:

  • analytical and numerical models and experimental techniques for structural analysis and design;
  • the definition of actions on structures and of specific response models;
  • structural safety and structural robustness;
  • design criteria for reinforced concrete, steel, timber and masonry structures;
  • structural dynamics;
  • seismic design criteria, vulnerability and risk assessment;
  • structural diagnostics, analysis, health monitoring and strengthening of existing structures;
  • analysis, mechanical characterization and modelling of traditional and innovative construction materials, such as composites;
  • durability, fracture and damage mechanics.


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Gregorio Bertani

Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico

Teaching tutor

keywords: Constitutive modeling of masonry, Plasticity and damage mechanics
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Nicola Buratti

Associate Professor

keywords: Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Vulnerability, Seismic fragility models, Seismic risk, Definition of seismic actions,
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Giovanni Castellazzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Finite Element Method, Masonry structures, Computational Mechanics, Eco-Sustainable Materials, Structural Health
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Letizia Crociati

PhD Student

keywords: Environmental sustainability, Particleboards, Honeycomb panels, Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, Sustainable and innovative
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Antonio Maria D'Altri

Associate Professor

keywords: Structural mechanics, Masonry mechanics, Structural analysis of cultural heritage buildings
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Stefano de Miranda

Full Professor

keywords: finite elements, structural analysis, wind engineering, masonry structures, environmental aging of materials and

Giovanni Donini

Borsista di Ricerca

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Nicholas Fantuzzi

Associate Professor

keywords: Mechanics of solids and structures, Structural theories of plates, Composite materials, Fracture mechanics, Numerical
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Elena Ferretti

Associate Professor

keywords: Cells Method, Fracture Mechanics, Nonlocal Approaches, Concrete, Viscosity, Effective laws, Masonry, Mesh generators,
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Francesca Ferretti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Masonry, Shear behavior of masonry structures, Techniques for the seismic retrofit of existing buildings, Fiber
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Giada Gasparini

Associate Professor

keywords: Performance Based Seismic Design, torsional effects in asymmetric structures, wall structures, structural functioning,
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Silvia Greco

PhD Student

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Vittoria Laghi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Structural design, Earthquake Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Computational design, Structural optimization
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Luca Landi

Associate Professor

keywords: Reinforced concrete structures, Non linear models, Dynamic and seismic analysis, Vertical ground motion, Seismic
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Stefano Mariani

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Ultrasonic guided waves, Structural health monitoring, Non-destructive evaluation
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Alessandro Marzani

Full Professor

keywords: Stress guided waves, Metamaterials, Structural health monitoring, Non-destructive evaluation, Structural optimization
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Claudio Mazzotti

Full Professor

keywords: self-compacting concrete, precast systems, composites materials, dynamic identification, fiber reinforced concrete,
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Luisa Molari

Associate Professor

keywords: Biomaterial for buildings, straw bale, bamboo, salt crystallization, damage mechanics, curved beams, phase field model,
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Antonio Palermo

Associate Professor

keywords: wave propagation in solids, periodic materials, metamaterials, model order reduction, dynamic identification,
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Michele Palermo

Associate Professor

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Luca Patruno

Associate Professor

keywords: Computational Wind Engineering, Wind Loading, Aeroelasticity, Synthetic Turbulence Generation, Virtual Element Method,

Luca Pozza

Associate Professor

keywords: Xlam, timber structure, connections, energetic dissipation and ductility, q ductility factor
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Said Quqa

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring, Modal Identification, Damage Identification, Bridges, Traffic Loads

Nzeeh Roumia

Adjunct professor

PhD Student

Research fellow

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Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

keywords: Deflagration and detonation, Chemical Kinetics, Process Safety, Kinetic of partial oxidation, Hydrogen, Cryogenic
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Marco Savoia

Full Professor

keywords: structural reliability, dynamic identification, composite materials for the structural strengthening, creep and damage
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Leonardo Sciarretta

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

keywords: Computational Wind Engineering, Fluid-Structure Interaction, CFD
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Mohammad Abdullah Siddiqui

PhD Student

Research fellow

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Stefano Silvestri

Associate Professor

keywords: cultural heritage, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the identification of the design seismic input, seismic
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Tomaso Trombetti

Full Professor

keywords: shaking tables, wall structures, form and structure, identification of the reference design seismic input, asymmetric
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Francesco Ubertini

Full Professor

keywords: modelling and simulation, smart structures, historic structures, historical structures, finite elements, smart
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Farhad Zeighami

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Elastic Metamaterials, Surface wave propagation, Structural Dynamics, Ground-borne vibrations, Locally resonant