Water engineering

Analysis of water-related issues relative to hydraulics, hydrology, coastal engineering and water resources management, and their implications on several Engineering branches

Research activities deal with the analysis of water-related issues linked to hydrology, hydraulic, coastal engineering and water resources management. Research topics include: mechanics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, rainfall-runoff models, streamflow predictions in ungauged basins, flood risk assessment, monitoring and mitigation, design and management of hydraulic networks and infrastructures, fluvial hydro-morpho dynamics, flow in porous media, coastal hydro-morpho dynamics, coastal risk assessment, marine renewable energy, hydropower systems, water security and climate variability.

(The picture shows the "Chiusa di Casalecchio di Reno", Casalecchio's dam on the Reno River, Europe's most ancient "hydraulic monument".
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Il_fiume_Reno_e_la_Chiusa.jpg )


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Sajad Aghaali

Research fellow

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Renata Archetti

Full Professor

keywords: Integrated coastal zone management, Risk assesement, Coastal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, Physical modelling,

Gilberto Bonaga

Assistant professor

keywords: Carstic water sources, EGS, LANDSLIDES, Subsidence, SUBMERGED CAVES, WATER WELL
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Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

keywords: Raw material processing, Sustainability and SDGs, Circular Economy and Urban Mining, Life Cycle Thinking and LCA, Green
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Cristiana Bragalli

Associate Professor

keywords: water shortage, optimization algorithm, smart water meter, water distribution network, energy efficiency, water losses,

Armando Brath

Full Professor

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Attilio Castellarin

Full Professor

keywords: advanced hydrological modeling and data assimilation, assessment and management of flood risk in a changing
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Serena Ceola

Associate Professor

keywords: flood risk, stream ecology, GIS data analysis, hydrology, ecohydrology, remote sensing, hydrological and anthropogenic
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Chiara Cincotta

PhD Student

keywords: drinking water distribution systems, water leakages, leakage detection

Valentina Ciriello

Associate Professor

keywords: groundwater hydraulics, porous media, management of water withdrawals, urban water system, reduction of water losses,
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Elisa Dallavalle

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Wave Energy Converters (WECs), Mooring systems, Multi-use off-shore platforms, Renewable energies
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Vittorio Di Federico

Full Professor

keywords: environmental hydraulics, probabilistic risk analysis, gravity currents, polynomial chaos expansion, fractured media,

Paola Di Fluri

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Alessio Domeneghetti

Associate Professor

keywords: Flood hazard, Hydrology, Hydraulic model, Remote Sensing, Flood risk
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Fabio Fava

Full Professor

keywords: Biotech production of flavors, Biotech production of biochemicals and biofuels, Bioremediation of contaminated soils
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Sara Mizar Formentin

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Elisa Girometti

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

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Massimo Guerrero

Associate Professor

keywords: Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Measurement techniques in Hydraulics, River morphodynamics,
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Alessandro Lenci

Research fellow

keywords: Non-Newtonian Fluids, Fractured media, Stochastic Approach, Environmental hydraulics, Numerical Modeling, Transport
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Giulia Libero

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: modeling of natural and artificial hydraulic sistems, water saving in agricolture, water network leaks, biomedical
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Rezar Lleshi

PhD Student

keywords: Sedimentation, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Numerical modeling, Hydropower
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Marco Maglionico

Associate Professor

keywords: Water distribution systems, Sewer systems, Nature Based Solutions, Mathematical modelling, WSUD - Water Sensitive Urban
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Andrea Magnini

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Remote sensing, Hydraulic risk, Hydraulic hazard, Rainfall extreme values, Machine learning, Hydraulic modelling
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Alberto Montanari

Full Professor

keywords: Peak river flow, Floods, Uncertainty, Droughts, Climate change, Hydrological simulation, Hydrology
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Mattia Neri

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Rainfall-runoff modelling, Regionalisation, Hydrological similarity, Water resource management
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Natasha Petruccelli

Teaching tutor

keywords: Climate change, Flood Risk
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Davide Pinelli

Associate Professor

keywords: Bioremediation of ground and waste water, Production of organic compounds from organic industrial wates, Production of
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K Marvie Reed

Research fellow

keywords: Quarry optimization, optimization algorithms, dimension stone, ornamental stone, SlabCutOpt, ground penetrating radar
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Giovanni Selleri

PhD Student

keywords: Large-scale hydrology, Rainfall-runoff models
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Elena Toth

Full Professor

keywords: flood forecasting, classification of river basins, artificial neural networks, bridge piers scour, rainfall-runoff
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Barbara Zanuttigh

Full Professor

keywords: eco-compatible beach defence, off-shore multi-purpose installations, coastal risks, wave-structure interaction, wave