Raw Materials Engineering and Circular Economy

Ingegneria della Transizione per la costruzione di un mondo sostenibile, dal punto di vista ambientale, sociale ed economico, attraverso il risparmio e la valorizzazione delle risorse naturali, materie prime e seconde, acqua ed energia.


I temi di ricerca riguardano:

  • il trattamento, la valorizzazione e il riciclo delle materie prime e dei rifiuti solidi, secondo i principi della Circular Economy e dell’Urban Mining
  • la sostenibilità ambientale e lo studio degli Obiettivi di Sostenibilità dell'Agenda UN 2030
  • lo sviluppo di tecnologie per l’adattamento climatico e la resilienza in ambito urbano
  • l’applicazione dell’Eco-design ai prodotti e ai processi, l’analisi del ciclo di vita (Life Cycle Assessment e Life Cycle Cost Analysis), la valutazione dell’impronta ecologica e delle impronte idrica e di carbonio (environmental, carbon e water footprint)
  • l’approvvigionamento idrico, il riciclo e la valorizzazione della risorsa acqua.

Un preciso filone di ricerca riguarda l’applicazione delle suddette tematiche all’ambito della cooperazione coi i Paesi in Via di Sviluppo e con i Paesi Emergenti.

ERC Sectors

  • SH3_1  Environment, resources and sustainability
  • SH3_2  Environmental change and society
  • SH3_3  Environmental regulations and climate negotiations
  • SH3_4  Social and industrial ecology
  • PE8_3 Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment
  • PE8_12 Sustainable design (for recycling, for environment, eco-design)

National and International Collaborations

  • Arpa Emilia Romagna
  • Regione Emilia Romagna
  • Comune di Bologna
  • Bologna Città Metropolitana
  • ENEA Bologna
  • ENEA Roma
  • Università Sapienza di Roma
  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Politecnico di Bari
  • Università “Aldo Moro” di Bari
  • Hera s.p.a.
  • Impronta Etica
  • ONG Amani for Africa
  • ONG Overseas


  • CITG TU Delft University of Technology, Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft, The Nederlands
  • Gaza University UCAS, University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza, Palestine
  • ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
  • Technical University of Iasi, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, Iasi, Romania
  • University of Granada, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Politécnico de Granada, Spain
  • University of Aalborg Department of Planning, Technical Faculty of IT and Design Sustainable Design and Transition, Denmark
  • Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Kaunas, Lituania
  • Technical University of Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain
  • DTU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


References (last three years)

  • Awere E., Bonoli A., Appiah Obeng P., "E-waste Recycling and Public Exposure to Organic Compounds: A Review of Recycling Practices and Toxicity Levels in Ghana", Environmental Technology Reviews, 2020. doi.org/10.1080/21622515.2020.1714749
  • Awere E., Appiah Obeng P., Asirifua Obeng P., Bonoli A., Characterization of Faecal Sludge from Pit Latrines to Guide Management Solutions in Cape Coast, Ghana", Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2020.
  • Zanni, S., Awere, E., Bonoli, A., " Life cycle sustainability assessment: An ongoing journey", Chapter 4 of the Book: Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Decision-Making. Methodologies and Case Studies, 2020, Pages 57-93, Elsevier.
  • Paletta A., Bonoli A. "Governing the university in the perspective of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: The case of the University of Bologna", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2019. DOI (10.1108/IJSHE-02-2019-0083).
  • Calvano G., Paletta A., Bonoli A. "How the Structures of a Green Campus Promotes the Development of Sustainability Competences. The Experience of the University of Bologna" e-book Sustainability on University Campuses: Learning, Skills Building and Best Practices. Springer, 2019.
  • Bonoli, A., Zanni, S. and Awere, E. (2019). Organic Waste Composting and Sustainability in Low-income communities in Palestine: Lessons from a pilot project in the village of Al Jalameh, Jenin. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8(3), 253-262. Doi: 10.1007/s40093-019-0264-8.
  • Angelo Paletta, Walter Leal Filho, Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Eleonora Foschi, Alessandra Bonoli. Barriers and challenges to plastics valorisation in the context of a circular economy: case studies from Italy, «Journal of Cleaner Production», 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118149
  • Foschi E., Bonoli A. The Commitment of Packaging Industry in the Framework of the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy, «Administrative sciences», Special Issue "Industrial Ecology and Innovation", 2019, 9, 18 
  • Bonoli A., Di Fusco E., Zanni S., Ciriello V., Lauriola I., Di Federico V. 2019 "Green Smart Technology for Water (GST4Water): Life Cycle Analysis of Urban Water Consumption"  Special Issue Insights on the Water–Energy–Food Nexus. Water 2019, 11(2), 389; https://doi.org/10.3390/w11020389 [articolo]
  • Valentina Fantin, Alessandro Buscaroli, Teunis Dijkman, Alessandra Zamagni, Gioia Garavini, Alessandra Bonoli, Serena Righi, PestLCI 2.0 sensitivity to soil variations for the evaluation of pesticide distribution in Life Cycle Assessment studies, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2019, 656, pp. 1021 - 1031 [articolo]
  • Zanni, Sara*; Cipolla, Sara Simona; Fusco, Emanuela di; Lenci, Alessandro; Altobelli, Margherita; Currado, Antonio; Maglionico, Marco; Bonoli, Alessandra, Modeling for sustainability: Life cycle assessment application to evaluate environmental performance of water recycling solutions at the dwelling level, «SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION», 2018, 17, pp. 47 - 61 [articolo]
  • Delogu, M.; Maltese, S.; Del Pero, F.; Zanchi, L.; Pierini, M.; Bonoli, A., Challenges for modelling and integrating environmental performances in concept design: the case of an automotive component lightweighting, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING», 2018, 1, pp. 1 - 14
  1. Bonoli, N. Dolci, E. Foschi, F. Lalli, D.Prandstraller and S. Zanni. End-of-service-scenario for universities informatic equipment recovery and repair as educational and research tool for circular economy and urban mining, «Detritus Journal», Special issue "Circular Economy", 2018, 04, pp. 90 - 97
  • Cipolla, S.S.; Maglionico, M.; Semprini, G.; Villani, V.; Bonoli, A., Green roofs as a strategy for urban heat island mitigation in Bologna (Italy), «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2018, 1215, pp. 295 - 300 [articolo]
  • Stojkov, I.; Cipolla, S.S.; Maglionico, M.; Bonoli, A.; Conte, A.; Ferroni, L.; Speranza, M., Hydrological performance of Sedum species compared to perennial herbaceous species on a full-scale green roof in Italy, «ACTA HORTICULTURAE», 2018, 1215, pp. 117 - 120 [articolo]
  • Zanni S., Lalli F., Foschi E., Bonoli A., Mantecchini L., Indoor Air Quality Real-Time Monitoring in Airport Terminal Areas: An Opportunity for Sustainable Management of Micro-Climatic Parameters, «SENSORS», 2018, 18, pp. 3798 - 3812 [articolo]
  • Paletta, A.; Siboni, B.; Bonoli, A.; Gallina Toschi, T., La sostenibilità come strategia di sviluppo degli Atenei: il caso dell'Università di Bologna, «IMPRESA PROGETTO», 2018, 35, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]
  • Franzoni, E., Volpi, L., Bonoli A., Spinelli R.; Gabrielli, R., The environmental impact of cleaning materials and technologies in heritage buildings conservation, «ENERGY AND BUILDINGS», 2018, 165, pp. 92 - 105.
  • E.Foschi, A.Pavlova, A.Bonoli. Waste management in Italy and Russia: policy challenges and opportunities, 2018 [in Proceedings of the fourth SUM - Symposium Urban Mining]
  • Bonoli A., Foschi E., Prandstraller D., A Bottom-up Approach to Reducing Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. [in CLIMATE INNOVATION INSIGHTS | Series 2, No. 5, 2018 - Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable Production Systems]
  • Zanni S., Simion M.I.,  Gavrilescu M. Bonoli A., 2018  Life Cycle Assessment applied to circular designed construction materials. ScienceDirect. Procedia CIRP 25 (2017) 2212–8271
  • Bonoli, Alessandra; Mastroddi, Martina; Zanni, Sara, A LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPLICATION TO EVALUATE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN SAVING AND REUSING WATER AT DOMESTIC LEVEL, in: CARMEN TEODOSIU, ICEEM09 Abstracts Book, IASI, ECOZONE Publishing House, Iasi, 2017, 1, pp. 151 - 152
  • Maltese, S.; Delogu, M.; Zanchi, L.; Bonoli, A., Application of design for environment principles combined with LCA methodology on automotive product process development: The case study of a crossmember, in: Maltese, S., Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2017, 68, pp. 211 - 221  
  • Ferrara, Martina; Fantin, Valentina; Righi, Serena; Chiavetta, Cristian; Buttol, Patrizia; Bonoli, Alessandra, Applicazione della Water Footprint sviluppata dal WF Network: il caso del Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio DOP, in: Resource Efficiency e Sustainable Development Goals: il ruolo del Life Cycle Thinking, Roma, ENEA, 2017, pp. 297 - 304
  • Rizzo, Sara; Cappellaro, Francesca; Accorsi, Mattia; Orsini, Francesco; Gianquinto, Giorgio; Bonoli, Alessandra, Co-design for a circular approach in green technologies: Adaptation of reused building material as growing substrate for soilless cultivation of lettuce (lactuca sativa var. capitata), «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2017, 16, pp. 1775 - 1780
  • Cuenca-Moyano, G.M.; Zanni, S.; Bonoli, A.; Valverde-Palacios, I, Development of the life cycle inventory of masonry mortar made of natural and recycled aggregates, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2017, 140, pp. 1272 - 1286
  • Eleonora Foschi, Alessandra Bonoli. The sustainable regeneration of an industrial area as urban laboratory of circular economy and industrial symbiosis, 2017
  • Alberto, Bellini; Alessandra, Bonoli, Energy Balance of Waste Management Systems: A Case Study, in: IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE IEEM 2017, 2017, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: IEEE IEEM 2017.
  • Volpi, L.; Spinelli, R.; Franzoni, E.; Bonoli, A., La sostenibilità nel restauro architettonico: valutazione comparativa delle tecniche di pulitura mediante analisi LCA, in: Resource Efficiency e Sustainable Development Goals: il ruolo del Life Cycle Thinking, ENEA, 2017, pp. 546 - 553
  • La Giglia, Luca; Niero, Monia; Bonoli, Alessandra; Olsen, Stig I., ON THE COSTS OF CIRCULARITY STRATEGIES: ENVIRONMENTAL LIFE CYCLE COSTING OF GLASS BOTTLE, in: CARMEN TEODOSIU, 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management Conference Abstracts Book, IASi, ECOZONE Publishing House, Iasi, 2017, 1, pp. 355 - 356

Faculty Members

Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

Research assistants and PhD students

Nicoletta Dolci

D cat. - technical, scientific and data processing area

Eleonora Foschi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Sara Pennellini

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Sara Zanni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)