Roads, Railways and Airports

Transportation infrastructures, pavement engineering, road safety


The group of Roads, railways and airports works in the area of transportation infrastructures within the civil engineering field. In particular, the main research topics are related to the design, construction, control, management and maintenance of pavements and infrastructures for roads, railways and airports.

Among the research activities:

  • characterization and design of traditional and innovative materials for pavements
  • sustainable and low impact technologies
  • safety of the infrastructures’ users
  • transportation infrastructures for sustainable mobility


Giulio Dondi

Full Professor

Faculty members

Claudio Lantieri

Associate Professor

Cesare Sangiorgi

Full Professor

Andrea Simone

Full Professor

Valeria Vignali

Associate Professor

Research assistants and PhD students

Roberto Battistini

Area delle Elevate Professionalità - Settore tecnico - informatico

Teaching tutor

Margherita Pazzini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Piergiorgio Tataranni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)