
Transport systems, sustainability, vulnerability, resilience, transit systems, shared mobility, road accident


The Transport group develops methods and models for analysing transport systems with a holistic approach in the perspective of sustainability. Among the research activities: mobility and its effects, including network vulnerability and resilience; cyclist/pedestrian choice behaviours; transit systems and shared mobility; simulation of airport processes and impacts; road


  • KTH, Stockolm, Sweden
  • Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain

Group coordinator

Faculty Members

Luca Mantecchini

Associate Professor

Alfonso Micucci

Assistant professor

Federico Rupi

Associate Professor

Joerg Schweizer

Assistant professor

Research assistants and PhD students

Antonio Danesi

Teaching tutor

Caterina Malandri

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Mattia Strangi

Adjunct professor