LABIC - Chemical and Process Engineering Laboratory
Analysis of production processes in the environmental, food, pharmaceutical, and energy sectors. Innovative solutions and technologies aimed at reducing costs, improving resource utilization and safety, and minimizing environmental impact.
What does the Laboratory do?
The LABIC - Process Chemical Engineering Laboratory brings together multiple research strands: from separation processes to safety, from reactor engineering to fluid dynamics analysis.
LABIC's approach is twofold:
Experimental, through the laboratory study of processes of interest, analysis with advanced instrumentation and techniques, and testing of materials, equipment, and systems.
Theoretical, through the identification and resolution of related mathematical models.
Productivity is evidenced by the significant number of publications in scientific journals, patents filed, and the significant number of applications developed in the laboratories adopted by industries both regionally, nationally, and internationally.
LABIC brings together multiple research strands ranging from separation processes to safety, from reactor engineering to fluid dynamics analysis, typically linked to the fields of chemical engineering in the most modern sense of the term. For this reason, it houses three research units that carry out specific activities and services for third parties:
Laboratory of Bioreactors, photocatalytic processes, and applied fluid dynamics (LABIOFF)
Laboratory of Industrial Safety and Environmental Sustainability (LISES)
Laboratory of Membrane Processes, Bioseparations, and Polymer Diffusion (MEMLAB)
The commercial implications of the research carried out by the laboratory:
The applications of the laboratory's research activities are mainly directed towards the chemical and process industry, oil & gas, and materials. Additionally, towards the biotechnological, biomedical, bio-pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, and nutraceutical industries, as well as the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries with implications in the environmental and energy sectors concerning aspects related to the valorization of renewable resources and climate change, such as wastewater recovery, biogas purification, and carbon dioxide capture.
Performance analysis of flexible and non-flexible packaging for barrier applications, development of innovative, sustainable, and compostable materials, active packaging systems, and photocatalytic processes for sanitation against viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds, and yeasts for the drastic reduction of odors in environments, and elimination of toxic organic compounds are developed.
Tools for the evaluation of industrial safety and environmental sustainability are analyzed.
The activities are aimed at developing innovative methodological approaches, advanced models, and quantitative tools for safety assessment, risk analysis, and in-depth analysis of integrated aspects of environmental sustainability in chemical industrial processes and plants, also through experimentation and development of innovative technologies and processes.
Do you need consultancy?
If you are a company, a public or private entity, contact us: we will develop together a project plan tailored to your needs, and you can benefit from the expertise available in the various groups and experimental equipment.
Development of innovative methodological approaches;
Safety assessment, risk analysis, environmental sustainability in chemical industrial processes and plants -
Development of innovative methodological approaches;
Safety assessment, risk analysis, environmental sustainability in chemical industrial processes and plants -
Development of innovative methodological approaches;
Safety assessment, risk analysis, environmental sustainability in chemical industrial processes and plants -
Solubility, material transport, and rheological properties of polymeric materials
Membrane applications for gas separation
Membrane applications for packaging
Membrane processes for liquid phase systems and reactors
Bioseparations and chromatography
Our Achievements
Instrumentation and pilot plants (in Italian)
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The MEMLAB is equipped with scientific equipment and computing tools (hardware and software) aimed at supporting the research activities of DICAM
Laboratory of Industrial Safety & Environmental Sustainability
The MEMLAB is a member of the European network European Research Infrastructure for CO2 Capture, Utilisation, Transport and Storage (CCUS) - ECCSEL
Chemical Engineering Teaching Laboratory
Labic has two experimental laboratories dedicated to teaching on transport phenomena and unit operations, and a computer laboratory for learning and using simulation software

How to reach us:
LABIC - Laboratory of Chemical and Process Engineering
Driveway entrance: via del Lazzaretto 15/5, 40131 Bologna
Pedestrian entrance only: via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna