Concluded events
Career guidance and work
PHD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities
online on MsTeams
The online event to explore this opportunity to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.
Presentations and meetings
What are the latest frontiers of research in the fight against climate change?
Aula Giorgio Prodi (Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2 - Bologna)
On 31 May, there will be a meeting with Professor Di Lorenzo from Brown University to discuss the removal of carbon dioxide from the oceans in the fight against climate change.
DIN-ECO announces a comprehensive series of seminars for aspiring entrepreneurs
online event
DIN-ECO is running a cycle of Seminars for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, dedicated to students, academic staff and non-academic staff
Presentations and meetings
Aula Magna, Via Foscolo 7, Bologna
Mapping event (crowdmapping) that takes place as part of the international initiative "Open Street Map Geography Awareness Week"
Webinar "Riding the Waves of Resilience: Empowering Coastal Communities"
online event
The second webinar of the Coastal Resilience webinar series will discuss community engagement and citizen science initiatives in two Ocean Decade Actions.
Presentations and meetings
13 February - The crisis in Iran. A Toolkit for understanding international dynamics
Aula 2, Palazzo Hercolani (Strada Maggiore, 45 - Bologna) and online on Teams
Attend the free-entry event, either in person or online via Teams
Training initiatives
Room 2.7A, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Mapping event (crowdmapping)
Explorations towards developing novel metal-based antimicrobial formulations
Room 0.1, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Prof. Raymond J Turner (Università di Calgary, Canada)
Short- and medium-term potential for more sustainability in asphalt road construction
Room Georisorse via Terracini 28, 40131 Bologna
Prof. Dr. Ing. Alexander Buttgereit, Department of Road Construction - Maintenance Management Jade University of Applied Sciences
Hybrid models of multiphysics phenomena in microcirculation
Online Event and Room Trasporti, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Prof. Daniel M. Tartakovsky, Stanford University
The chaotic nature of mixing in three-dimensional porous media
Online Event and Room Trasporti, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Prof. Yves Mèheust, Géosciences Rennes – CNRS Universitè de Rennes 1
Solute transport, mixing and reaction of solutes in subsurface porous media: ’upscaling’ and quantification from electrical measurements
Online Event and Room Trasporti, Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
Prof. Yves Mèheust, Géosciences Rennes – CNRS Universitè de Rennes 1