Risk and safety of hydrogen technologies in the framework of climate change

Relatore: Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri (NTNU Trondheim e ISA visiting fellowship presso il DICAM)

  • Data: 06 ottobre 2021 dalle 10:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: Evento online e Sala del consiglio DICAM (1-030), Via Terracini 28, Bologna

In the search for low-carbon fuels with high-energy content, hydrogen represents an end-point. It almost nullifies transportation emissions and, at the same time, is strategic for the renewable energy sector, as overproduction peaks may be turned into hydrogen. However, technological and societal issues of hydrogen use are still present and must be overcome to enable such a technological shift.

Insufficient knowledge about safety issues related to widespread roll-out of hydrogen technology represents a major bottleneck for industry, authorities, end-users and the general public. To avoid unnecessary restrictions, it is necessary to increase the knowledge on safe use of hydrogen, thereby mitigating potential hazards to widespread implementation. Hence, validating risk assessment models against experiments and establishing and disseminating knowledge and guidelines for hydrogen safety is of key importance for the future hydrogen society.

This seminar will provide an overview of the hydrogen energy strategy adopted by Norway and the NTNU Team Hydrogen. Moreover, it will address the associated risks that are still lurking in the journey towards a safe and decarbonised society.

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