Workshop on Ground Penetrating Radar applications in soil moisture determination, field monitoring and stability of river embankments

prof. Marco Bittelli e prof. Guido Gottardi

  • Data: dal 23 marzo 2021 alle 13:30 al 24 marzo 2021 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Evento online

This workshop is organised as part of the ongoing SPARC project on “Prediction of soil hydro agricultural properties using Ground Penetrating Radar for improving Agricultural practice” jointly by IISc, Bangalore and University of Bologna, Italy. Is open for Post Graduate and Doctoral Students in Science and Engineering. Few faculty members are also allowed to participate. No registration fee but prior registration in mandatory. The seminar will be held using either Microsoft Teams or Google meet.

To participate for free, you must register on the Indian Institute of Science website, with which you will then have access to the online link. 
Registration link