The project
Overview of the project's key components
The European Marie Curie (MSCA) COFUND project will train a new generation of qualified experts in the complex cultural, organisational, environmental, technological and political dynamics linked to the application of Big Data. Coordinated by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Region and all the Universities of Emilia-Romagna, it is co-funded with 9 million euros. Thanks to an international call for applications, 53 candidates will be selected for as many PhD scholarships.
Project opportunities
The project will run for five years and will recruit 53 candidates through an international call for applications, of which 21 will be assigned to University of Bologna, 9 each to University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma and University of Ferrara, 3 to the Piacenza Territorial Pole of Politecnico di Milano and 2 to the Piacenza Campus of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Building on the existing PhD courses in the Universities in theEmilia-Romagna region, it will offer an innovative combination of training, research and transversal skills in the field of Data Science. Doctoral students will specialise in the complex cultural, organisational, environmental, technological and political dynamics related to the application of Big Data.
Selected candidates will be enrolled in the doctoral courses of each University and will be contracted with a research fellowship (“assegno di ricerca”).
Salary (gross amount): 2800 euros or 2900 euros with family allowance is applicable.
Who It's For
The fully funded FutureData4EU program is aimed at ambitious graduates and researchers eager to acquire advanced skills in the field of data science and big data application. Motivated candidates from diverse disciplines are invited to participate to receive multidisciplinary, international and cross-sectoral training.
Eligibility of applicants.
The overall approach of Marie Curie (MSCA) FutureData4EU is to keep the call as inclusive as possible, in order to attract as many talented candidates as conceivable. The essential requirements to have at the call closure will be:
- Research Experience for doctoral candidates: at the deadline of the programme's call, the DC will have to hold a degree entitling him/her to be enrolled in a doctoral programme (a master degree or equivalent); not having been awarded with a doctoral degree. The candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken English.
- Mobility reuirements: candidates may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 1 years in the 3 years immediately before the programme's call closure.