Crystallization damage at the interfaces of artworks



The aim of CRYSTINART is to develop an integrated approach for understanding, modelling and analysing the decay mechanisms of layered artworks due to salt crystallization. We will be going beyond phenomenological understanding and break open an entire new area of conservation research: combined experimental and computational research in multilayered component systems. Towards this aim, we have three objectives.

Firstly, gain a physico-chemical understanding and, secondly, perform mechanical and thermodynamic modelling of phenomena that together cause crystallization weathering. Examples are mass transport, chemical reactions, phase transitions and ion transport. For this purpose, we will combine, at the micro-scale, theoretical, numerical and experimental studies to model the interaction between salt crystallization and deformation/damage at the interface regions of two layered materials. Thirdly, we will develop effective and user friendly predictive tools describing the macroscopic material behaviour to develop new conservation strategies, and make these internationally available.

Team di ricerca UNIBO

S. de Miranda, L. Patruno, G. Castellazzi, L. Molari

Partner di progetto

University of Amsterdam, TU Eindhoven, Rijksmuseum, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

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