Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement



LIFE NatuReef aims to apply at demonstration level the best practices available to the restoration of native oyster and sabellariid reefs, seeding the native species in a rare non-urbanized coastal stretches of the northern Adriatic coasts: the Bevano river mouth (Ravenna municipality, EmiliaRomagna Region, Italy), which is a SCI, SAC and SPA under the EU Natura 2000 (IT4070009 - Ortazzo, Ortazzino, Foce del Torrente Bevano). Ostrea edulis and Sabellaria alveolata and S. spinulosa are native ecosystem engineers able to create three-dimensional reefs that retain sediments and dissipate wave energy, counteracting coastal erosion, which is particularly intense here, and creating ecological niches allowing for high biodiversity and nursery habitats. Native oysters have almost disappeared, and sabellariid reefs are rare in the Mediterranean Sea, representing marginal habitats having lost most of their ecosystem functions at the regional level.The restored reefs will enhance marine biodiversity providing habitat and feeding ground for priority and non-priority threatened species, like sea turtles, seahorses, and seabirds. They will defend priority and non-priority habitats like beach dunes, coastal lagoon and pinewood from coastal erosion and salt intrusion, host endangered vegetation and provide nursery areas to priority bird species.These reefs will provide a number of ecosystem goods and services: biodiversity enhancement, improved water quality and clarity, increased fish and shellfish production, sediment stabilisation and wave energy dissipation, prevent coastal erosion, and a high cultural value. Being living structures, they have the potential to adapt and, to some extent, counteract the effects of climate change, like sea level rise and increased storm and flooding event frequency and intensity, contributing to the resistance and resilience of the coastal marine ecosystem.

Team di ricerca UNIBO

Prof. Massimo Ponti, Prof. Renata Archetti, Prof. Antonio Zanutta, Prof. Valentina Girelli, Federica Costantini, Laura Pezzolesi, Sonia Silvestri, Beatrice Giambastiani, Massimo Guerrero, Franca Guerrini, Maria Alessandra Tini, Maria Gabriella Gaeta, Margherita Norbiato, Alessandro Lambertini

Partner di progetto

Comune di Ravenna, Proambiente SCRL, Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità - Delta del Po, Fondazione Flaminia,