Re-Valuing Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality in European Waterfront Cities



At its core, the Re-Value partnership is committed to a holistic approach to urban development, considering not only the physical infrastructure but also the well-being of communities while laying a path towards achieving climate neutrality in urban areas. Our work is inspired by the New European Bauhaus' aesthetic approach to sustainability, and undertaken to support the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. The efforts are focused in nine waterfront cities by all partners collectively seeking to understand, plan, develop and share a comprehensive perspective and approach to tackle the interconnected systemic challenges faced by cities today. In summary, the Re-Value partnership is a forward-thinking initiative that seeks to redefine the value of urban spaces by integrating social, economic, and environmental considerations. By promoting transparent decision-making, harnessing technology and data, empowering communities, and prioritising sustainability, the project aims to create cities that are not only climate neutral but also socially inclusive and economically prosperous.

Team di ricerca UNIBO

DA Annarita Ferrante, Cecilia Mazzoli, DICAM Claudio Lantieri, Andrea Simone

Partner di progetto

NTNU, Alesund, Brugge, RImini, ICLEI, VITO, Cascais GIB, Izmir, Rijka, Pisek et al.

Link a sito progetto