Pubblicazioni scientifiche
A. Alberini; S.J. Mendes; G. Bucchi; C. Manfreda; M. Cappelletti; D. Pinelli; S. Fedi; F. Fava; D. Frascari, Batch tests of biological hydrogen production from food industry wastes by four thermotoga thermophilic strains in 0.12-L microcosms and in a 19-L fermentor, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2012, 11 (Supplement), pp. S63 - S63 [Abstract in rivista]
G. Castellazzi; A. Marzani; I. Bartoli, Prediction of ultrasonic guided waves excitability to support the non-invasive assessment of human long bones, in: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2012, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2012, 8348, pp. 83481S-1 - 83481S-10 (atti di: Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluations and Health Monitoring 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-15 March 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
I. Bartoli; G. Castellazzi; A. Marzani; S. Salamone, Prediction of stress waves propagation in progressively loaded seven wire strands, in: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2012, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Chung-bang Yun, Jerome P. Lync, 2012, 8345, pp. 83481S-1 - 83481S-12 (atti di: SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluations and Health Monitoring 2012, San Diego, California, 12-15 March 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
I. Bartoli; A. Marzani, A combined approach for the identification of mechanical properties of composites structural elements, «THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS», 2012, 39, pp. 1 - 25 [Articolo in rivista]
E. Ferretti; M.C. Bignozzi, Stress and Strain Profiles along the Cross-Section of Waste Tire Rubberized Concrete Plates for Airport Pavements, «COMPUTERS, MATERIALS & CONTINUA», 2012, 27, pp. 231 - 274 [Articolo in rivista]
L. Lombardi; E. Toth; A. Castellarin; A. Montanari; A. Brath, Calibration of a rainfall–runoff model at regional scale by optimising river discharge statistics: Performance analysis for the average/low flow regime, «PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH», 2012, 42–44, pp. 77 - 84 [Articolo in rivista]
Castellarin A.; Pistocchi A., An analysis of change in alpine annual maximum discharges: implications for the selection of design discharges, «HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES», 2012, 26, pp. 1517 - 1526 [Articolo in rivista]
CIRIELLO V.; DI FEDERICO V., Similarity solutions for flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media revisited under parameter uncertainty, «ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES», 2012, 43, pp. 38 - 51 [Articolo in rivista]
S. Carniel; M. Sclavo; R. Archetti, The use of integrated wave-current-sediment numerical tools to model coastal dynamics: an applications in the North Adriatic Sea, in: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Applied Coastal Research, AACHEN, H. Schüttrumpf, 2012, pp. 466 - 473 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
C. Camerota; N. Raddadi; A. Pizzinat; E. Gonella; E. Crotti; R. Tedeschi; N. Mozes-Daube; I. Ember; Z. Acs; M. Kolber; E. Zchori-Fein; D. Daffonchio; A. Alma, Incidence of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter europaeus’ and phytoplasmas in Cacopsylla species (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and their host/shelter plants, «PHYTOPARASITICA», 2012, 40, pp. 213 - 221 [Articolo in rivista]
V. Di Federico; R. Archetti; S. Longo, Similarity solutions for spreading of a two-dimensional non-Newtonian gravity current in a porous layer, «JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS», 2012, 177–178, pp. 46 - 53 [Articolo in rivista]
C. Johansson; J. Bras; I. Mondragon; P. Nechita; D. Plackett; P. Šimon; D.G. Svetec; S. Virtanen; M. Giacinti Baschetti; C. Breen; F. Clegg; S. Aucejo, Renewable fibers and bio-based materials for packaging applications - A review of recent developments, «BIORESOURCES», 2012, 7, pp. 2506 - 2552 [Articolo in rivista]
E. Franzoni; S. Bandini, Spontaneous electrical effects in masonry affected by capillary water rise: the role of salts, «CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS», 2012, 35, pp. 642 - 646 [Articolo in rivista]
A. Scoma; C. Pintucci; L. Bertin; P. Carlozzi; F. Fava, Increasing the large scale feasibility of a solid phase extraction procedure for the recovery of natural antioxidants from olive mill wastewaters, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL», 2012, 198-199, pp. 103 - 109 [Articolo in rivista]
M. Mazzotti; A. Marzani; I. Bartoli; E. Viola, Guided waves dispersion analysis for prestressed viscoelastic waveguides by means of the SAFE method, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES», 2012, 49, pp. 2359 - 2372 [Articolo in rivista]
L. De Marchi; A. Marzani; A. Perelli; N. Testoni; N. Speciale, Guided waves characterization of bamboo fibers reinforced composites, in: International Congress on Ultrasonics: Gdańsk 2011, New York, AIP American Institute of Physics, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2012, 1433, pp. 447 - 450 (atti di: International Congress on Ultrasonics, ICU 2011, Gdańsk, Poland, 5-8 September 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
M. Maraldi; L. Molari; P.G. Molari, Simulazioni di transizioni di fase diffusive e deformative (Towards modelling diffusive and displacive phase transitions), «LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA», 2012, 104, pp. 29 - 34 [Articolo in rivista]
Ferretti E., Waste Tire Rubberized Concrete Plates for Airport Pavements: Stress and Strain Profiles in Time and Space Domains, «COMPUTERS, MATERIALS & CONTINUA», 2012, 31, pp. 87 - 112 [Articolo in rivista]
Ferretti E., Shape-effect in the effective laws of Plain and Rubberized Concrete, «COMPUTERS, MATERIALS & CONTINUA», 2012, 30, pp. 237 - 284 [Articolo in rivista]
Brevetto MI2012A 000838, Metodo per l’identificazione di occlusioni in reti di tubazioni per il trasporto di fluidi.