Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Murgo, Francesco Saverio; Mazzotti, Claudio, Numerical analysis of masonry confined by FRCM, in: Key Engineering Materials, Pfaffikon, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2017, 747, pp. 558 - 566 (atti di: International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composites Materials, MuRiCo5 2017, Bologna, Italia, 28 - 30 Giugno 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ferretti, Francesca; Incerti, Andrea; Ferracuti, Barbara; Mazzotti, Claudio, FRCM strengthened masonry panels: The role of mechanical anchorages and symmetric layouts, in: Key Engineering Materials, Pfäffikon, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2017, 747, pp. 334 - 341 (atti di: International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composites Materials, MuRiCo5 2017, Bologna, Italia, 28 - 30 Giugno 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Bursi, Elena; Barbieri, Luisa; Lancellotti, Isabella; Saccani, Andrea; Bignozzi, Maria, Lead waste glasses management: Chemical pretreatment for use in cementitious composites, «WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH», 2017, 35, pp. 958 - 966 [Articolo in rivista]
Guidotti, Giulia; Soccio, Michelina; Siracusa, Valentina; Gazzano, Massimo; Salatelli, Elisabetta; Munari, Andrea; Lotti, Nadia, Novel random PBS-based copolymers containing aliphatic side chains for sustainable flexible food packaging, «POLYMERS», 2017, 9, pp. 1 - 16 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Soccio, Michelina; Martínez-Tong, Daniel E.; Alegría, Angel; Munari, Andrea; Lotti, Nadia, Molecular dynamics of fully biobased poly(butylene 2,5-furanoate) as revealed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy, «POLYMER», 2017, 128, pp. 24 - 30 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Genovese, L.; Soccio, M.; Lotti, N.; Gazzano, M.; Siracusa, V.; Salatelli, E.; Balestra, F.; Munari, A., Design of biobased PLLA triblock copolymers for sustainable food packaging: Thermo-mechanical properties, gas barrier ability and compostability, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2017, 95, pp. 289 - 303 [Articolo in rivista]
Fabbri, Martina; García-Fernández, Luis; Vázquez-Lasa, Blanca; Soccio, Michelina; Lotti, Nadia; Gamberini, Rita; Rimini, Bianca; Munari, Andrea; San Román, Julio, Micro-structured 3D-electrospun scaffolds of biodegradable block copolymers for soft tissue regeneration, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 2017, 94, pp. 33 - 42 [Articolo in rivista]
Valentina, Ciaschetti; Isaac, Elishakoff; Alessandro, Marzani, Vibrations of fractional half- and single-degree of freedom systems, «VIETNAM JOURNAL OF MECHANICS», 2017, 39, pp. 259 - 273 [Articolo in rivista]
Ivorra, S.; Bru, D.; Galvañ, A.; Silvestri, Stefano; Apera, Cristina; Foti, Dora, TRM reinforcement of masonry specimens for seismic areas, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING», 2017, 7, pp. 463 - 474 [Articolo in rivista]
Silvestri, Stefano; Palermo, Michele; Trombetti, Tomaso, A direct procedure for the seismic design of frame structures with added viscous dampers, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING», 2017, 7, pp. 498 - 509 [Articolo in rivista]
Baraccani, Simonetta*; Palermo, Michele; Azzara, Riccardo M.; Gasparini, Giada; Silvestri, Stefano; Trombetti, Tomaso, Structural interpretation of data from static and dynamic structural health monitoring of monumental buildings, in: Key Engineering Materials, Zurigo, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, «KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS», 2017, 747, pp. 431 - 439 (atti di: International Conference on Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composites Materials, MuRiCo5 2017, Bologna, Italy, 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Palermo, Michele*; Silvestri, Stefano; Gasparini, Giada; Dib, Antoine; Trombetti, Tomaso, A direct design procedure for frame structures with added viscous dampers for the mitigation of earthquake-induced vibrations, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2017, 199, pp. 1755 - 1760 [Articolo in rivista]
M. Palermo, S. Silvestri, G. Gasparini, T. Trombetti, CORNER DISPLACEMENT RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR ONE-STOREY ECCENTRIC STRUCTURES, in: Proceedings of the Eight European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, 19-20 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest, 2017, pp. 1 - 16 (atti di: Eight European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Bucharest, Romania, 19-20 October 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Michele Palermo, Stefano Silvestri, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Un metodo semplificato per il dimensionamento e l’analisi di strutture equipaggiate con smorzatori viscosi A simplified method for dimensioning and analyzing equipped structures with viscous dampers, «PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA», 2017, 8, pp. 9 - 24 [Articolo in rivista]
Genovese, Laura; Lotti, Nadia*; Siracusa, Valentina; Munari, Andrea, Poly(neopentyl glycol furanoate): A member of the furan-based polyester family with smart barrier performances for sustainable food packaging applications, «MATERIALS», 2017, 10, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Siracusa, Valentina*; Genovese, Laura; Munari, Andrea; Lotti, Nadia, How stress treatments influence the performance of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate)-based copolymers with thioether linkages for food packaging applications, «MATERIALS», 2017, 10, pp. 1 - 18 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
gabriele bitelli, mirko dellapasqua, pier paolo diotallevi, elisa franzoni, claudio galli, valentina alena girelli, patrizia rambaldi, mattia santi, maria alessandra tini, Nel cuore del Nettuno: struttura, forma, colore, in: Nettuno. La fontana: studio, progetto, restauro, Bologna, BUP Bononia University Press, 2017, pp. 84 - 92 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Antonio Maria D'Altri, Giovanni Castellazzi, Stefano de Miranda, Antonio Tralli, Seismic-induced damage in historical masonry vaults: A case-study in the 2012 Emilia earthquake-stricken area, «JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING», 2017, 13, pp. 224 - 243 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Patruno, L.*; Ricci, M., On the generation of synthetic divergence-free homogeneous anisotropic turbulence, «COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING», 2017, 315, pp. 396 - 417 [Articolo in rivista]
Ricci, M.; Patruno, L.*; de Miranda, S., Wind loads and structural response: Benchmarking LES on a low-rise building, «ENGINEERING STRUCTURES», 2017, 144, pp. 26 - 42 [Articolo in rivista]