Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Giorgia, Gatta; Gabriele, Bitelli, A historical GIS for the comparison of past and present views: Bologna, yesterday and today, in: Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage, Salonicco, CartoGeoLab - Laboratory of Cartography & Geographic Analysis, 2016, pp. 125 - 131 (atti di: 11th ICA Conference "Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage", Riga (Lettonia), 20-22/4/2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
De Marchi, L.; Ceruti, A.; Testoni, N.; Marzani, A.; Liverani, A., Augmented reality tools for structural health monitoring applications, in: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag, 2016, 351, pp. 115 - 121 (atti di: Conference on Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society, APPLEPIES 2014, Rome; Italy, 19 February 2014 through 21 February 2014) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Barbarella, M.; Gandolfi, S.; Poluzzi, L.; Cacciamani, L, Stability of the Reference Frame for Structural Monitoring Applications Using GNSS, in: FIG, Recovery from Disaster, Christchurch, FIG, 2016, pp. 1 - 14 (atti di: 78th FIG Working Week 2016 - Recovery from Disaster, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
De Giorgi, Stefania; Raddadi, Noura; Sabia, Claudia; Tullia Gallina Toschi, ; Fabbri, Angelo; Fava, Fabio, BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTION OF LACTOBIONIC ACID FROM RICOTTA CHEESE WHEY, in: Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology Conference, 2016(atti di: 10th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology (ISEB) Conference, Barcelona, spagna, 1-3 giugno 2016) [Poster]
Verdecchia, Andrea; Brunelli, Davide; Tinti, Francesco; Barbaresi, Alberto; Tassinari, Patrizia; Benini, Luca, Low-cost micro-thermal response test system for characterizing very shallow geothermal energy, in: Proceedings. 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS), 2016, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS), Bari, 13-14 Giugno 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Gabriele, Bitelli; Fabio, Bartolini; Giorgia, Gatta, HGIS and archive researches: a tool for the study of the ancient mill channel of Cesena (Italy), in: Proceedings of the XXIII ISPRS Congress, International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, XLI-B5, pp. 183 - 189 (atti di: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Praga, 12-19 July 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Lavrnić, S.; Cristino, S.; Mancini, B.; Mancini, M.L., Performance of Pilot Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on Constructed Wetlands., in: Leaving the Ivory Tower Bridging the Gap between Academia, Industry,Services and Public Sector, 2016, pp. 217 - 218 (atti di: 8th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Gdańsk (Poland) 11-14 May 2016, Gdańsk (Poland), 11-14 Maggio 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
De Marchi, Luca; Marzani, Alessandro; Testoni, Nicola; Heckenberger, Ulrike; Apicella, Alfonso, Value at Risk for a Guided Waves-Based System Devoted to Damage Detection in Composite Aerostructures, in: Piet Christof Wölcken, Michael Papadopoulos, Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU): Proceedings of the Final Project Conference, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 909 - 917 (atti di: Final Project Conference, Moscow, 19-21 May, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Marzani, Alessandro; Testoni, Nicola; De Marchi, Luca; Monaco, Ernesto; Sharif Khodaei, Zahra; Aliabadi, M. H.; Viana, Julio, Implementation of a Structural Health Monitoring System for a Composite Wing Box Skin, in: Piet Christof Wölcken, Michael Papadopoulos, Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 883 - 908 (atti di: Final Project Conference, Moscow, 19-21 May, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Testoni, Nicola; De Marchi, Luca; Marzani, Alessandro, Toward the Upscaling of Guided Waves-Based NDE and SHM in Aeronautics, in: Piet Christof Wölcken, Michael Papadopoulos, Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU): Proceedings of the Final Project Conference, Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 557 - 576 (atti di: Final Project Conference, Moscow, 15-19 May, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Monaco, Ernesto; Boffa, Natalino Daniele; Memmolo, Vittorio; Ricci, Fabrizio; Testoni, Nicola; De Marchi, Luca; Marzani, Alessandro; Hettler, Jan; Tabatabaeipour, Morteza; Delrue, Steven; Koen, Van Den Abeele, Methodologies for Guided Wave-Based SHM System Implementation on Composite Wing Panels: Results and Perspectives from SARISTU Scenario 5, in: Piet Christof Wölcken, Michael Papadopoulos, Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (SARISTU), Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 495 - 527 (atti di: Final Project Conference, Moscow, 15-19 May, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Franzoni, Elisa; Rirsch, Eric; Paselli, Yuri, Laboratory models for the assessment of the effectiveness of chemical damp-proofing in masonry: existing methods and some proposals for new fixtures, in: Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 - Segment on Moisture in Materials and Structures, Paris, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2016, pp. 299 - 308 (atti di: Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 - Segment on Moisture in Materials and Structures, Lyngby, Denmark, 22-24 August 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Franzoni, Elisa; Bandini, Simone; Graziani, Gabriela, LABORATORY AND IN-THE FIELD EXPERIENCES ON THE MEASUREMENT OF SPONTANEOUS POTENTIAL IN MASONRY AFFECTED BY RISING DAMP, in: Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 - Segment on Electrochemistry in Civil Engineering, Paris, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2016, pp. 157 - 157 (atti di: International RILEM Conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 - Segment on Electrochemistry in Civil Engineering, Lyngby, Denmark, 22-24 August 2016) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Elisa, Franzoni; Rossana, Gabrielli; Enrico, Sassoni; Alberto, Fregni; Gabriela, Graziani; Norberto, Roveri; Eros, D’Amen, PERFORMANCE AND PERMANENCE OF TIO2-BASED SURFACE TREATMENTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE: SOME EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS FROM ON-SITE AND LABORATORY TESTING, in: Science and Art: A Future for Stone: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Paisley, University of the West of Scotland., 2016, Volume 2, pp. 761 - 768 (atti di: 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE DETERIORATION AND CONSERVATION OF STONE, Paisley, Scotland, UK, 6th to 10th September 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Bitelli, G.; Castellazzi, G.; D’Altri, A.M.; De Miranda, S.; Lambertini, A.; Selvaggi, I., Automated voxel model from point clouds for structural analysis of cultural heritage, in: Proceedings of the XXIII ISPRS Congress, GOTTINGEM, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2016, 41, pp. 191 - 197 (atti di: XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, 12-19 July 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno] Open Access
Bitelli Gabriele, La Grande Guerra dall’alto. La fotogrammetria aerea e le nuove tecnologie di mappatura del territorio all’inizio del XX secolo, in: L’Ingegneria della Grande Guerra 1915-1918. Incontro di studio e mostra bibliografica sugli aspetti tecnologici del primo conflitto mondiale, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna - Alma DL, 2016, pp. 39 - 50 (atti di: L’Ingegneria della Grande Guerra 1915-1918. Incontro di studio e mostra bibliografica sugli aspetti tecnologici del primo conflitto mondiale, Bologna, 21/5/2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Bernagozzi, Giacomo; Landi, Luca; Diotallevi, Pier Paolo, Modal testing through forced sine vibrations of a timber footbridge, in: Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, New York, Springer New York LLC, 2016, 4, pp. 273 - 281 (atti di: 34th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2016, Orlando, Florida, Usa, January, 25-28, 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Bernagozzi, Giacomo; Landi, Luca; Diotallevi, Pier Paolo, On the output-only vibration-based damage detection of frame structures, in: Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, New York, Springer New York LLC, 2016, 7, pp. 23 - 33 (atti di: 34th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2016, Orlando, Florida, Usa, January, 25-28, 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Alfonso, Micucci; Mattia, Strangi, Prove di avvistabilità degli utenti deboli della strada in condizioni dinamiche, in: AA.VV.., Atti del XXVII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE ASAIS-EVU, Forlì, EGAF, 2016, pp. 1 - 20 (atti di: AVVISTAMENTO NOTTURNO - TECNICHE DI INDAGINE / DATI EDR PER LA RICOSTRUZIONE DEGLI INCIDENTI STRADALI, Bologna, 11/06/2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Alfonso, Micucci; Mattia, Strangi, La ricostruzione cinematica dell'incidente stradale, elementi utili e necessari alla ricostruzione cinematica, aspetti critici ed errori di rilevazione, in: Atti del Convegno OMICIDIO E LESIONI STRADALI, 2016, pp. 1 - 15 (atti di: Le giornate della Polizia Locale - Omicidio e lesioni stradali - Svolta epocale, rapporti, aspetti dottrinali, operativi e procedurali nell'attività di rilevamento., Riccione, 16/09/2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]