Pubblicazioni scientifiche

  • Trombetti T.; Gasparini G.; Silvestri S., Insertion of additional viscous dampers for the seismic design of a pre-cast reinforced structure, in: Proceedings of the “The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10)", s.l, s.n, 2006(atti di: The Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok (Thailand), 3-5 August 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Silvestri S.; Trombetti T.; Gasparini G., Seismic design of pre-cast reinforced concrete structures using additional viscous dampers, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Gasparini G.; Silvestri S.; Trombetti T., Optimal insertion of viscous dampers into torsionally coupled structures, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Gasparini G.; Silvestri S.; Trombetti T., Effectiveness of the “Alpha” method for estimating the maximum rotational response of eccentric systems, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006.) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G.; Malavolta D., Identification of efficient groups of design earthquake inputs, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006.) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G.; Malavolta D., A methodology for the identification of design earthquake inputs, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Gasparini G.; Silvestri S.; Trombetti T., Seismic design of flat bottom silos containing grain-like material, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Pavese A., STATIC AND DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SHAKING TABLE RECENTLY BUILT AT THE EUCENTRE, PAVIA, in: Proceedings of the “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), GINEVRA, s.n, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology” (a joint event of the 13th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & 30th General Assembly of the ESC), Ginevra (Svizzera), 3-8 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Ceccoli C.; Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G., Seismic design of pre-cast reinforced concrete structures using additional viscous dampers, in: CIVIL-COMP PRESS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS, Proceedings of the “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology” (CST 2006), STIRLING FK8 3DY, SCOTLAND, Prof. B.H.V. Topping c/o CIVIL-COMP PRESS, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006.) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G.; Bottazzi M., Use of toggle brace system for the amplification of seismic damper motion in building structures, in: CIVIL-COMP PRESS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS, Proceedings of the “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, STIRLING FK8 3DY, SCOTLAND, Prof. B.H.V. Topping c/o CIVIL-COMP PRESS, 2006, CD-ROM, pp. 1 - 17 (atti di: “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology” (CST2006), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Gasparini G.; Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Ceccoli C., A case study for seismic dampers placed between non moment resisting steel frame structures and lateral resisting concrete cores, in: CIVIL-COMP PRESS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS, Proceedings of the “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology” (CST 2006), STIRLING FK8 3DY, SCOTLAND, Prof. B.H.V. Topping c/o CIVIL-COMP PRESS, 2006, CD-ROM(atti di: “The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology” (CST 2006), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G., Seismic hazard analysis of SDOF modelled power systems, in: IDRC CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT. PHONE:+ 41-81-417 02 65 FAX: + 41-81-417 08 23 POSTAL ADDRESS: EIDGENÖSSISCHES INSTITUT FÜR SCHNEE- UND LAWINENFORSCHUNG FLÜELASTRASSE 11 CH-7260 DAVOS DORF SWITZERLAND, Proceedings of the “International Disaster Reduction Conference - IDRC Davos 2006”, Davos, Switzerland, 27 August – 1 September 2006., DAVOS, IDRC CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT, 2006, 2(atti di: “International Disaster Reduction Conference - IDRC Davos 2006”, Davos, Switzerland, 27 August – 1 September 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G., Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis: Identification of Design Earthquake Inputs, in: IDRC CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT. PHONE:+ 41-81-417 02 65 FAX: + 41-81-417 08 23 POSTAL ADDRESS: EIDGENÖSSISCHES INSTITUT FÜR SCHNEE- UND LAWINENFORSCHUNG FLÜELASTRASSE 11 CH-7260 DAVOS DORF SWITZERLAND, Proceedings of the “International Disaster Reduction Conference - IDRC Davos 2006”, Davos, Switzerland, 27 August – 1 September 2006., DAVOS, IDRC CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT, 2006, 1(atti di: “International Disaster Reduction Conference - IDRC Davos 2006”, Davos, Switzerland, 27 August – 1 September 2006.) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Trombetti T.; Silvestri S.; Gasparini G., ANALISI PROBABILISTICA DI PERICOLOSITA’ SISMICA: L’APPLICAZIONE DI METODOLOGIE PSHA AL TERRITORIO ITALIANO, in: DIPARTIMENTO DISTART, UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA, Nota Tecnica di Dipartimento n. 192, Maggio 2006., BOLOGNA, Dipartimento DISTART, Università di Bologna, 2006, Nota Tecnica n. 192, pp. 1 - 43 (atti di: Nota Tecnica di Dipartimento n. 192, Bologna, Maggio 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Mantecchini L.; Gualandi N., Maximization of airport acoustical capacity: parameters and variables, in: Proceedings of the EWGT 2006 Joint Conferences, BARI, s.n, 2006, pp. 137 - 143 (atti di: Extra EURO Conference and 11th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Bari, 27-29 settembre 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • I. Daprà; G. Scarpi, Fenomeni transitori a pelo libero: un esame qualitativo, in: XXX Convegno di Idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, ROMA, Casa editrice Università La Sapienza, 2006(atti di: XXX Convegno di Idraulica e costruzioni idrauliche, Roma, 10-15 settembre 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • A. Tugnoli; C. Stramigioli; F. Santarelli; V. Cozzani, Sustainability assessment of alternative waste disposal processes, in: Proc. 5th European Meeting on Chemical Ind. & Environment, HORN, Berger & Sohne, 2006, pp. 768 - 776 (atti di: 5th European Meeting on Chemical Ind. & Environment, Vienna, 3-5 Maggio 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • V. Cozzani; A. Tugnoli; E. Salzano, The development of an inherent safety approach to the prevention of domino accidents, in: Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 1957 - 1964 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL '06), Estoril, Portugal, 18-22 Settembre 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • G. Landucci; G. Gubinelli; Antonioni G.; V. Cozzani, A simplified approach to the assessment of the damage probability of storage tanks in domino events, in: Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk, LONDON, Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 2001 - 2008 (atti di: European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL '06), Estoril (Portugal), 18-22 Settembre 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • V. Carlà; Y. Hussain; R. Carbonell; F. Doghieri, Modeling Solubility Isotherm and Sorption Kinetics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Initially Glassy Polymers using Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, in: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, FISCIANO (SA), Centro Stampa Ateneo di Salerno, 2006, 2, pp. 533 - 538 (atti di: 8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and Their Applications, Ischia, 28-31 Maggio 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]