Pubblicazioni scientifiche

  • A. Perelli; L. De Marchi; L. Flamigni; A. Marzani; N. Speciale, Wavelet best basis compressed sensing of ultrasonic guided waves, in: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2013, 8695, pp. 86952Y - 86952Y-8 (atti di: SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, California, 11-14 March 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • A. Perelli; C. Caione; L. De Marchi; D. Brunelli; A. Marzani; L. Benini, Design of an ultra-low power device for aircraft structural health monitoring, in: Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2013, Kathy Preas, 2013, pp. 1127 - 1130 (atti di: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2013, Grenoble, France, 18-22 March 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Bruno Roberto; Mercuri Salvatore; Tinti Francesco; Witte Henk, Probabilistic approach to TRT analysis: evaluation of groundwater flow effects and machine - borehole interaction, in: European Geothermal Congress 2013, Bruxelles, EGEC, 2013, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: EGC European Geothermal Congress 2013, Pisa, Italy, 3-7 June 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Margherita Cecilia Spreafico ; Marco Bacenetti ; Lisa Borgatti; Martina Cignetti ; Marco Giardino ; Luigi Perotti, Structural analysis of San Leo (RN, Italy) east and north cliffs using 3D point clouds, in: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Copernicus Publications (EGU), «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS», 2013, 15, pp. 8218 - 8218 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, 7-12/4/2013) [Riassunto (Abstract)]

  • J. Meggs; F. Rupi; J. Schweizer, Can PRT overcome the conflicts between public transport and cycling?, in: Living and walking in cities. Cultures and techniques for accessibility, Forlì, EGAF EDIZIONI SRL, 2013, pp. 215 - 220 (atti di: XIX International Conference LIVING AND WALKING IN CITIES, Brescia, 14-15 giugno 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Benedetti G; Bernardi M; Bonaga G; Borgatti L; Continelli F; Ghirotti M; Guerra C; Landuzzi A; Lucente CC; Marchi G, San Leo: Centuries of Coexistence with Landslides, in: Landslide Science and Practice, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2013, 6, pp. 529 - 537 (atti di: The second world landslide forum, Roma, 3-9 October 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • BORGATTI L.; BIANCHI E.; BONAGA G.; GOTTARDI G.; LANDUZZI A.; VITTUARI L.; PELLEGRINI M., Sinkholes in the Po Plain as evidence of paleoliquefaction events, in: Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Roma, Società Geologica Italiana, 2013, 24, pp. 34 - 36 (atti di: IX Convegno Nazionale dei Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata, Napoli, 14-15 febbraio 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Paola Africani; Gabriele Bitelli; Alessandro Lambertini; Andrea Minghetti; Elisa Paselli, Integration of LIDAR data into a municipal GIS to study solar radiation, in: ISPRS Archives – Volume XL-1/W1, 2013, 2013, XL-1/W1, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2013, Hannover, 21-24 May 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Tugnoli A.; Cozzani V.; Di Padova A.; Barbaresi T.; Tallone F., Reducing the Consequences of Accidental Fires in Oil&gas Facilities: a Risk-based Procedure for Identification of the Fireproofing Zones, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 32, pp. 103 - 108 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Tugnoli A.; Salzano E.; Di Benedetto A.; Russo P.; Cozzani V., Analysis of the Flash-fire Scenario in the Viareggio Accident, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 32, pp. 403 - 408 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Tugnoli A.; Landucci G.; Villa V.; Argenti F.; Cozzani V., The Performance of Inorganic Passive Fire Protections: an Experimental and Modelling Study, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 32, pp. 427 - 432 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Paltrinieri N.; Tugnoli A.; Buston J.; Wardman M.; Cozzani V., Dypasi Methodology: from Information Retrieval to Integration of Hazid Process, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 32, pp. 433 - 438 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Barontini F.; Rocchi M.; Tugnoli A.; Cozzani V.; Tetteh J.; Jarriault M.; Zinovik I., Quantitative Analysis of Evolved Gas in the Thermal Decomposition of a Tobacco Substrate, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 32, pp. 703 - 708 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Necci A.; Antonioni G.; Krausmann E.; Argenti F.; Landucci G.; Cozzani V., Accident Scenarios Caused by Lightning Impact on Atmospheric Storage Tanks, in: Selected papers of the eleventh International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milano, AIDIC, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2013, pp. 139 - 144 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 2-5, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Pettinari M.; Dondi G.; Sangiorgi C.; Petretto F., The Use of Cryogenic Crumb Rubber in the Cold Recycling Technique, in: Airfield and Highway Pavement 2013. Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Imad L. Al-Qadi and Scott Murrell, 2013, pp. 1088 - 1099 (atti di: 2013 Airfield and Highway Pavement Conference: Sustainable and Efficient Pavements, Los Angeles, 9-12 June 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Gianfranco Marchi; Giorgio Giacchetti; Gianluca Benedetti; Alberto Landuzzi, The Scascoli Case Study: Design and Safety Measures for a Landslide Area, in: Landslide Science and Practice, Berlin - Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2013, 6, pp. 199 - 206 (atti di: The second world landslide forum, Roma, 3-9 October 2011) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • Cristina Leonelli; Isabella Lancellotti; Chiara Ponzoni; Luisa Barbieri; Maria Chiara BIgnozzi, Alkali activation for geopolymers preparation, in: Proceeding of the Third International Slag Valorization Symposium “The transition to sustainable materials management”, Leuven, ACCO, 2013, 1, pp. 269 - 277 (atti di: Third International Slag Valorization Symposium “The transition to sustainable materials management", Leuven, Belgium, 19-20 March 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • L. Vittuari; G. Gottardi ; M.A. Tini, EXPERIMENTAL TEST ON CONTROL POINTS MATERIALIZATION FOR THE STUDY OF VERTICAL MOVEMENTS OF SOIL AND ITS INTERACTIONS WITH GROUND WATER CONTENTS, in: The role of Geomatics in Hydrogeological risk, Padova, 2013, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: "International Workshop: "The role of Geomatics in Hydrogeological risk"., Padova, 27-28 Feb 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

  • F. Tornabene; N. Fantuzzi; E. Viola, Dynamic and Static Analysis of Laminated Doubly-Curved Shells and Panels Using Layer-Wise and Equivalent-Single-Layer Theories via GDQ Method, in: The 21st International Annual International Conference on Composite / Nano Engineering, 2013, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: The 21st International Annual International Conference on Composite / Nano Engineering (ICCE21 -, Tenerife, Spain, 21-27 July 2013) [Riassunto (Abstract)]

  • L. De Marchi; N. Testoni; A. Perelli; A. Marzani, Extension of Lamb Waves defect location techniques to the case of low power excitation by compressing chirped interrogating pulses, in: Damage Assessment of Structures X, Zurich, TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, «KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS», 2013, 569-570, pp. 940 - 947 (atti di: 10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, July 8-10, 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]